
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Proxy.rs is a high-speed proxy tool built with Rust, featuring three main functionalities: scraper, checker and serve (beta).

What's New

  • Improved Performance: Experience a remarkable 300% increase in performance. Searching and checking a single proxy now only takes 3-5 seconds.
  • Reduced Memory Consumption: Enjoy a more optimized memory usage with a 35% reduction. The tool now operates efficiently, requiring only ±125 MB of memory.
  • New Feature: Serve: Run a local proxy server directly from proxy-rs (beta). Seamlessly host your own proxy server for enhanced flexibility and control.


Proxy.rs Preview


  • High-speed performance: Built with Rust for optimal speed.
  • Support protocols: HTTP(S), SOCKS4/5. Also CONNECT method to ports 80 and 25 (SMTP)
  • Version update notification.
  • Work as a proxy server that distributes incoming requests to external proxies. With automatic proxy rotation.
  • Proxies may be filtered by type, anonymity level, country.
  • Automatically removes duplicate proxies.
  • Is asyncronous.
List of proxy sources:
  • https://api.good-proxies.ru/getfree.php?count=1000&key=freeproxy
  • https://api.proxyscrape.com/?request=getproxies&proxytype=http
  • https://api.proxyscrape.com/?request=getproxies&proxytype=socks4
  • https://api.proxyscrape.com/?request=getproxies&proxytype=socks5
  • https://free-proxy-list.net
  • https://openproxylist.xyz/http.txt
  • https://premiumproxy.net/full-proxy-list
  • https://proxypedia.org/
  • https://proxyspace.pro/http.txt
  • https://proxyspace.pro/https.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/B4RC0DE-TM/proxy-list/main/HTTP.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HyperBeats/proxy-list/main/http.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheSpeedX/SOCKS-List/master/http.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheSpeedX/SOCKS-List/master/socks5.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/almroot/proxylist/master/list.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andigwandi/free-proxy/main/proxy_list.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aslisk/proxyhttps/main/https.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fahimscirex/proxybd/master/proxylist/http.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheSpeedX/PROXY-List/blob/master/socks4.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hendrikbgr/Free-Proxy-Repo/master/proxy_list.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jetkai/proxy-list/main/online-proxies/txt/proxies-http.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jetkai/proxy-list/main/online-proxies/txt/proxies-https.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mertguvencli/http-proxy-list/main/proxy-list/data.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miyukii-chan/proxy-list/master/proxies/http.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmpx12/proxy-list/master/http.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmpx12/proxy-list/master/https.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monosans/proxy-list/main/proxies/http.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monosans/proxy-list/main/proxies/socks4.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monosans/proxy-list/main/proxies/socks5.txt
  • https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zevtyardt/proxy-list/main/all.txt
  • https://www.ipaddress.com/proxy-list
  • https://www.megaproxylist.net/
  • https://www.proxyscan.io/download?type=http
  • https://www.proxyscan.io/download?type=https
  • https://www.proxyscan.io/download?type=socks4
  • https://www.proxyscan.io/download?type=socks5

total sources: 36


Note : You must have ~/.cargo/bin/ in your PATH to run proxy-rs directly.

  • Install Rust and Cargo.
  • Install Git.
  • Clone this repository by running the command:
    git clone https://github.com/zevtyardt/proxy.rs.git
  • Navigate to the cloned repository directory:
    cd proxy.rs
  • Run cargo install --path . to install.

or install directly using the command

cargo install proxy-rs


Usage: proxy-rs [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>


  • grab: Find proxies without performing any checks.
  • find: Find and check proxies.
  • serve: Run a local proxy server (BETA)


  • --max-conn <MAX_CONN>: The maximum number of concurrent checks of proxies. Default: 200.
  • -t, --timeout <TIMEOUT>: Time in seconds before giving up. Default: 8.
  • --log <LOG_LEVEL>: Logging level. Default: warn. Possible values: debug, info, warn, error.



Find and show 10 HTTP(S) proxies from ID (Indonesia) with the high level of anonymity:

proxy-rs find --types HTTP HTTPS -l 10 --levels High --countries ID


  • --types <TYPES>...: Type(s) (protocols) to check for proxy support. Possible values: HTTP, HTTPS, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, CONNECT:80, CONNECT:25.
  • --files <FILES>...: Path to the file with proxies. If specified, it is used instead of providers.
  • --levels <LEVELS>...: Level(s) of anonymity (for HTTP only). By default, any level. Possible values: Transparent, Anonymous, High.
  • --max-tries <MAX_TRIES>: The maximum number of attempts to check a proxy. Default: 1.
  • --support-cookies: Flag indicating that the proxy must support cookies.
  • --support-referer: Flag indicating that the proxy must support referer.
  • -c, --countries <COUNTRIES>...: List of ISO country codes where the proxies should be located.
  • -l, --limit <LIMIT>: The maximum number of working proxies. Default: 0.
  • -f, --format <FORMAT>: The format in which the results will be presented. Default: default. Possible values: default, text, json.
  • -o, --outfile <OUTFILE>: Save found proxies to a file. By default, the output is displayed on the console.


Find and save to a file 10 ID proxies (without a check):

proxy-rs grab --countries ID --limit 10 --outfile ./proxies.txt


  • -c, --countries <COUNTRIES>...: List of ISO country codes where the proxies should be located.
  • -l, --limit <LIMIT>: The maximum number of working proxies. Default: 0.
  • -f, --format <FORMAT>: The format in which the results will be presented. Default: default. Possible values: default, text, json.
  • -o, --outfile <OUTFILE>: Save found proxies to a file. By default, the output is displayed on the console.


Run a local proxy server that distributes incoming requests to a pool of found HTTP(S) proxies with the high level of anonymity:

still in progress

Currently Under Development

The following features are currently being worked on:

  • Implementing proxy DNSBL (Domain Name System Blacklist) checking for enhanced security.
  • Improving the speed of the proxy checker for faster validation.
  • Added more providers
  • Implement redirect handling in the proxy server.


Contributions to Proxy.rs are welcome! Here's how you can contribute:

  • Fork this repository.
  • Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
  • Create a new branch for your changes.
  • Implement your enhancements and commit them.
  • Push the branch to your GitHub repository.
  • Open a pull request in this repository, describing your changes and why they should be merged.


Proxy.rs is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.