
OSSDL overlay for Gentoo

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OSSDL overlay for Gentoo

Info:See W-Mark Kubacki's blog for news and discussions.
Author: W-Mark Kubacki <wmark+overlay@hurrikane.de> et al.
primary source:http://git.ossdl.de/

Installation and Usage

To install:

mkdir -p /var/portage/overlays
cd $_
git clone [adress-of-overlay] ossdl

nano /etc/portage/make.conf || nano /etc/make.conf

After the next emerge --sync or eix-sync -u the new packages should be available for search.


Some packages are masked in Gentoo's main tree. If you want to unmask only the tested ones of this overlay you can do so by adding to your /etc/portage/package.unmask:

# category/package::overlay-name



If a package has been "keyworded" by the Gentoo devs and I don't encounter any errors anddeem it stable/sufficient enough for production use then the keyword is stripped in this overlay (thus marking the package as 'stable'). That tests are limited to the following systems/architectures:

  • Intel — 2nd and 3rd generation Core/Xeons
  • AMD — Phenom II and Istanbul (sorry, cannot test on K8)
  • ARM — SheevaPlug (ARM9) and Cortex-A15 multicore server (cannot disclose more due to NDA)

If you want to include an ebuild into this overlay then please fork it, add your ebuild, and finally email me the link. Whenever I write 'me' in this README indeed 'us' is meant. ;-) You can get commit-access to this git repository if you're willing to keep that package up-to-date.

You — and that includes Gentoo developers — are not allowed to strip any Copyright lines. Whenever you add something non-trivial just add your name to any existing list with a matching year or in a separate line, should such list not already exist.

Remove any values between dollar-signs retaining the key, for example: # $Header: $, and remove changelog-files — we're not using Subversion. Remove any VI, VIM and similar lines from ebuilds and files. Use tabs for indentation whenever possible.


Portage configurations

You can find ready portage configuration files - (un)maskings, keywordings and package.use - online at http://git.ossdl.de/portage-configurations . You will have to pick an appropriate branch, though.

For example, for latest AMD processors of the amdfam10 [1] family:

cd /etc
rm -r make.conf portage
git clone -b amdfam10 https://bitbucket.org/wmark/portage-configurations.git
ln -s portage/make.conf


Gentoo is not about compiling everything, don't waste your time on that. It is about customization. If you want to stick to the standards for 90% of all packages and if you are only interested in changing USE flags for the 10% where it matters - excellent. That is what the binhosts are for.

Find pre-compiled Gentoo packages for your architecture [1] here:

ARM9 (32b):http://binhost.ossdl.de/ARM/armv5tel-softfloat-linux-gnueabi/
amdfam10 (64b):http://binhost.ossdl.de/AMD64/AMD/fam10-fam16/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/
nocona (64b):http://binhost.ossdl.de/AMD64/Intel/CoreIx/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/

Obviously you will have to point Gentoo's Portage to these overlays. Modify your make.conf as follows:

FEATURES="parallel-fetch getbinpkg"

-- W-Mark Kubacki, 2012-08-01, 2012-09-29

[1](1, 2) The architectures correspond with GCC's --march flag (modern Xeon, Core iX --> nocona; Phenom, Opteron (including Istanbul) --> amdfam10). ARM9 is meant for and tested on SheevaPlugs with Marvell's Feroceon SoC.