Ruby base projects

Ruby Base Clone and Rename

This repository provides a bash script,, which clones a specified Ruby base repository and then renames certain predefined elements.

The script performs the following operations:

  1. Clones the ruby_base repository from Github into a directory with a user-provided name.
  2. Deletes the .git directory inside the newly created directory and re-initializes Git.
  3. Renames any files or directories within the new directory that start with "base_projects" to start with the user-provided name.
  4. Replaces any occurrences of "BaseProject" in the files within the new directory with the CamelCase version of the user-provided name.
  5. Replaces any occurrences of "base_projects" in the files within the new directory with the user-provided name.


To use the script, you need to download it and make it executable. Here's a one-liner that accomplishes this, runs the script, and then deletes it:

wget && chmod +x && ./ new_project && rm

In the command above, replace new_project with your desired name. This command will clone the repository and replace all occurrences of "base_projects" and "BaseProject" with your provided name and its CamelCase equivalent, respectively.


If you need help or want to view the usage instructions, you can download the script and run:

./ -h