
name 'pymel' is not defined # in maya 2020

mostlyhuman opened this issue · 5 comments

Getting this error after things had been working fine. I havent changed anything with the configuration so not sure what the deal is.


Error: name 'pymel' is not defined

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in

NameError: name 'pymel' is not defined

zewt commented

Do you have any more information, when does it happen? The only place the word "pymel" is actually used in the code is in imports, which would give a different error if there was a problem. Maybe you can get more info by turning on "echo all commands" in the script editor History menu.

zewt commented

Reinstalling won't really do much (there's nothing to install but a small file that tells Maya where it is), let me know if you see the error again.

I'll fix the exception, but it's in an error message anyway: "Blend shape %s must have one target" That'll happen if it's used on a blendShape deformer with multiple meshes. That's not supported right now, it doesn't know how to figure out which mesh to use or which source mesh goes with which target mesh. I'll see if it can let you pick which mesh to use when that happens.

zewt commented

You can select which mesh to retarget now if you have more than one mesh on a blendShape. You'll need to do each mesh separately so it knows which mesh goes with which. 32b7823