
Zextras Technical Documentation

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains the source code of the Zextras product admin documentation, written with Python Sphinx and publicly available on https://docs.zextras.com/ web site.

The source files are contained in the source directory, which is organised as follows:

  • carbonio/, carbonio-ce/, and suite/: all the documentation related to the given products, including all the layout files (theme, CSS)
  • common: files common to all products: CSS and documentation files used by both Carbonio and Carbonio CE
  • cli: Zextras Suite Command Line Reference
  • img: images used by all products
  • landing: redirect page to official docs.zextras.com landing page
  • _includes: source file include::d by both Carbonio and Carbonio CE
  • LICENSES: text of licenses that are applied to this source code

Build Requirements

The documentation is built with the latest version of Sphinx via a Makefile, therefore the basic requirements are:

  • python3
  • virtualenv or venv (optional, if you prefer to use a local python environment instead of the system-wide python3 installation)
  • make
  • all python packages listed in the file requirements.txt

To install requirements, use e.g.,

 pip install -r requirements.txt

To build all product's documentation at once and producing the HTML output, run ./doc_build_all.sh

This command performs a make html in all source sub-folders:

  • carbonio
  • carbonio-ce
  • suite

As a result of compiling the source files you will have static html files in the output directory (build).

To build only one of the three manuals, run make html from within the product's directory.

You can serve them on a local HTTP server using python's built-in http server: python3 -m http.server --directory build 8000. Choose a port that is not yes used, then point your browser to localhost:8000/ and browse to the documentation.


The public repository contains branches called release/* up to the 23.6, that contain version-specific documentation. Starting from version 23.7, the development branch is called devel.

We'll be happy to accept contributions, provided they meet the requirements and follow the guidelines.


Any contribution must be in form of Pull Requests (PR) to the public GitHub repository and must build (make html) with the latest versions of the Python packages required (upgrade them with pip install --upgrade -r /requirements.txt before building).

You must fork the public repository, make the changes you need, and open a PR against the devel branch.

All accepted contributions will be subject to review and if successful, they will appear on the official documentation.

By submitting a PR, you agree that:

  • you are the author and all the material you include in the PR is your own work
  • your work will be included in documentation and will be subject to the same license.


Please try to adhere to these guidelines as much as possible to speed up acceptance.

Unacceptable Changes

PR including any of the following will not be accepted.

  • changes in CSS, theme, layout, Javascript, and in general any changes related to the Zextras corporate identity
  • changes in licensing and copyright information (see section License and Copyright at the bottom)
  • any piece of work containing inappropriate language or material, including but not limited to obscenity, profanity, vulgarity, derogative or discriminatory terms towards users or organisations
  • references to companies other than Zextras
  • copyrighted material (images, diagrams, text)
  • binary files other than images or diagrams
  • changes in terminology, examples, and scenarios used in the documentation. However, we'll be happy if you submit your own examples and scenarios, that we will review and include if they are significant.

Pull Requests

  • Each PR must address one issue at a time and should contain changes to one topic only. Example: if you submit a work focused on the use of Calendar, the PR can not contain references to Chat or to a Management Task.
  • Open a PR only when you consider it ready for review.
  • Make sure the PR is REUSE complaint.
  • You can prefix the PR's title like the following for a better understanding of your contribution
    • [NEW] a new and original piece of work
    • [BUG] a correction to something wrong (typos, concepts described, and so on)
    • [ENH] improvements to an existing piece of work

Commits and Commit Messages

Each commit should be small and contain only self-contained changes. Example:

  1. You add an introductory paragraph to Mail source file
  2. In the same file, but in another paragraph you create a cross reference to Files for which you need to add a new label in source file.

While your work is almost all within one file, the first change is a single commit concerning one file, while the second change is a commit that include both files.

A commit message should be concise and describe clearly the content of the commit.


All contributions must be in good English and must use Zextras terminology consistent with the remainder of the documentation. As we rely on Sphinx substitutions especially for the name of the modules, please use them whenever possible.

Avoid large edits in main rst files (i.e., thoose in the toctree::s, use Sphinx's include:: mechanism instead (see section Included Files below).

Included files

All included files must be saved under a directory under source/_include/, corresponding to the file where it is included. Files specific for Carbonio CE must end in -ce.rst, while files for Carbonio in -cb.rst (e.g., intro-ce.rst and intro-cb.rst).

Included files must not contain a starting header, which must be written in the files with the include:: directive. Also, avoid large use of headings in the included files.

Make included files short and self contained.

Keep a width of at most 70 or 80 columns for the lines.

License and Copyright

Zextras documentation is released under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license and is REUSE compliant. Contribution will be subject to the same license.

Each non-binary file in the repository needs to contain in its header the following copyright notice, which must be commented out according to the file type (.rst example):

.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Zextras <https://www.zextras.com/>
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0

Binary files must have an entry in file .reuse/dep5.

The only exception to this rule are Insignificant files, which have a CC0-1.0 license.