
C++ implementation of fourier transform with python bindings

Primary LanguagePython

Fourier Transform

This is a C++ implementation of the Discrete and Fast Fourier Transforms along with building the source into a DLL for consuming in other languages.

There is also a python script just to demonstrate a proof of concept on how to use the DLL and comparing the speed of the algorithms with increasing the size of data.

Disclaimer: The DLL will probably not work on linux as DLL is Windows specific.


The repo already has the C++ source for the Fourier Transform and a 32-bit DLL already generated in the lib/demo folder. So for only running the demo jump here.

For building the DLL, open the Visual Studio solution in the lib/Fourier folder, make your changes and build depending on your Python version (32 or 64 bit). You will find a Fourier.dll file in the Debug folder.


To run the demo, make sure you have Python installed then:

  1. From the command line create a virtual environment and activate.
> python -m venv .venv
> .venv\Scripts\activate
  1. Install dependencies.
> pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the script.
> python main.py

In case there is an error, it is because the Python version and the DLL are incompatible (64-bit Python and 32-bit DLL). In that case, you will have to build a 64-bit version of the DLL.

  1. Run the script with built DLL (optional).
> python main.py --debug
  1. Run the script with the profiler (optional).
> python main.py --profiler


Python will generate random data and compute the Fourier Transform using Numpy's implementation and the DLL's implementations then print the time taken by each method with the Mean Squared Error between the C++ outputs. An interactive plot will appear comparing the time taken by each method with different number of points.

Enabling the profiler prompts the user for the number of runs on each method.