
A minimal typesafe Figma plugin starter template using Preact and TailwindCSS bundled with Vite.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Figify - Figma plugin starter template

A minimal typesafe Figma plugin starter template using Preact and TailwindCSS bundled with Vite.

PRs are welcome


  • Modern - Uses Preact and TailwindCSS
  • Customizable - Can be easily switched to preferred stack thanks to Vite
  • Utilities included - Messaging to Figma window with type-safty and function like calls (not parent.postMessage)
  • Type-safey - From manifest to plugin actions and UI



To get started, install dependencies start development server:

pnpm install
pnpm dev
  • Go to Figma desktop app and open the plugin and choose development tab.

  • Click on the + button and choose Import plugin from manifest and locate the manifest.json file in the dist folder of the project.

  • Building UI for the plugin can be done in src/ui/** directory.

  • To do some actions to the Figma main window, firstly, need to declare actions in src/plugin/index.ts or declare in separate files and imported to it and then call them from the UI using the Figma utility.

For example:


export const $actions = {
  createRectangles: (count: number) => {
    //Create rectanble logic


import { Figma } from '@/ui/utils/figma';

<button onClick={() => Figma.createRects(10)}>Do some work</button>;
  • For hot reload, please enable hot reload in the Figma desktop app. (Plugins > Development > Hot reload plugin)


  • Update your plugin metadata such as name, description and permission in figma.manifest.ts file.
  • Build the plugin using pnpm build command.
  • Choose Publish option from plugin options
  • You may need to generate new ID for the plugin and update in figma.manifest.ts file.
  • Upload cover image, icon, description and other details and Submit for review.