├── config # Config files for building and running docker images
│ ├── .env.example # .env file for docker-compose
│ └── config.js # Config file for building images
├── deploy # Deployment files - Docker and k8s
│ ├── docker # Docker files to build images and run containers locally
│ └── k8s # Kubernetes deployment files
| └── services # Deployment files for services
├── docs # Documentation files for this template
├── production # Source files for services
│ ├── gateway # API gateway service
│ ├── example # Example implementation of a service
| | ├── dist # Built service
| | ├── node_modules # node_modules for the service
| | ├── package.json # package.json for the service
| | └── src # Source code files for the example service
| | ├── interfaces # Local service interfaces
| | ├── schemas # Mongoose schemas for the service
| | ├── services # Services
| | ├── controller.ts # Service controller
| | └── main.ts # Service entrypoint
│ └── types # Shared Types
| └── index.d.ts # Types entrypoint
| └── src # Source code files for the shared types
├── tools # Tools and utilities
├── makefile
└── README.md