
Open Source Data Library for data serialization.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


Build Status
Linux GCC/Clang Build Status
Windows MSVC Build status
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The data library, or DL for short, is a library for serialization of data.


load = memcpy + with plus-menu guaratee complete data when built error-checks platform specific data ( convertion between platforms avaliable on all platforms )


generated headers: c/c++

type library ( tlc ): file used by dl itself to load/store/pack/unpack types.

c-library: heart of the library.

dltlc: type-library-compiler

dl_pack: tool to pack/unpack/convert instances.

bindings: python

Suported types:

int8, int16, int32, int64 - signed integer 8 - 64 bits uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64 - unsigned integer 8 - 64 bits bitfield - unsigned integer with specified amount of bits ( uint32 example : 2; in c ) fp32, fp64 - 32 bit and 64 bit floating point value ( float/double in c ) string - ascii string inline-array - fixed size array of any type ( defined by dl ( int/uint etc ) or userdefined ) array - variable size array of any type ( defined by dl ( int/uint etc ) or userdefined ) pointer - pointer to any user-defined type

planned for the future (maybe) : utf8 - utf8 encoded unicode-string utf16 - utf16 encoded unicode-string utf32 - utf32 encoded unicode-string

TLD ( Type Library Definition ) format:

"module"-section "enums"-section "types"-section "type" "members"-array

Text data format:

"type"-section "data"-section "subdata"-section


The easiest way to work with dl is through the util-functions exposed in dl_util.h.

These functions will solve all things like file-read/write, endianness- and ptr-size conversions etc for you.


structs are defined in a typelibrary like this:

	"module" : "example",
	"types" : {
		"my_type" : {
			"members" : [
				{ "name" : "integer", "type" : "uint32" },
				{ "name" : "string",  "type" : "string" },
				{ "name" : "array",   "type" : "uint16[]" }

Save above code to example.tld and run this through 'dltlc' to generate c-headers and a typelibrary-definition-file, we will call it example.bin.

./dltlc -c example.h -o example.bin example.tld

Create dl-context and load a type-library:

#include <dl/dl.h>

dl_ctx_t create_dl_ctx()
	// create and load context
	dl_ctx_t dl_ctx;
	dl_create_params_t create_params;

	dl_context_create( &dl_ctx, &create_params );

	// load typelibrary
	unsigned char* lib_data = 0x0;
	unsigned int lib_data_size = 0;

	read_from_file( "example.bin", &lib_data, &lib_data_size );

	dl_context_load_type_library( dl_ctx, lib_data, lib_data_size );

	return dl_ctx;

Store instance to file

#include <dl/dl_util.h>
#include "example.h"

void store_me( dl_ctx_t dl_ctx )
	example e;
	e.integer = 1337;
	e.string  = "I like cowbells!";
	uint16 arr[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
	e.array.data  = arr;
	e.array.count = 6;

	dl_util_store_to_file( dl_ctx,
						       example::TYPE_ID,         // type identifier for example-type
						       "path/to/store/to.file",  // file to store to
						       DL_UTIL_FILE_TYPE_BINARY, // store as binary file
						       DL_ENDIAN_HOST,           // store with endian of this system
						       sizeof(void*),            // store with pointer-size of this system
						       &e );                     // instance to store

Load instance from file

#include <dl/dl_util.h>
#include "example.h"

void load_me( dl_ctx_t dl_ctx )
	example* e;

	dl_util_load_from_file( dl_ctx,
							example::TYPE_ID,         // type identifier for example-type
							"path/to/read/from.file", // file to read
							DL_UTIL_FILE_TYPE_AUTO,   // autodetect if file is binary or text
							(void**)&e,               // instance will be returned here
							0x0 );

	printf( "e->integer = %u\n", e->integer );
	printf( "e->string  = %s\n", e->string );
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < e->array.count; ++i )
		printf( "e->array[%u] = %u\n", i, e->array.data[i] );

	free( e ); // by default memory for e will be allocated by malloc

For more in deapth examples, see EXAMPLE-file