
Ticket Reservation System

Primary LanguagePHP


In this project, a ticket reservation system for events such as concerts, cinemas and theatres is created. Database is implemented with MySQL, phpMyAdmin. By using php, front-end takes the required information from the database. Front-end is formed with html and css.

The details of the implementation:

Users can create accounts for a more specialized experience but purchasing without an account can be also possible. Account management is performed such as forgot password, change password and delete account.

Customers can search tickets depending on the attributes like price, date, popularity, etc. System provides an end to end experience to its customers.

  • Search results are sortable in ascending/descending order, according to the price, date, popularity.

After every sale, users earn some discount points depending on a predetermined percentage of the sale total of the invoice. Users can use these points at their next purchases.The user can also change or cancel the purchased tickets.

  • Companies can deploy their own campaigns valid only for their own items. For this, there is another user role for only companies. They can see the sellings for only their own company.
  • A user with an account can see the previous purchases. This feature is added to the profile page.

The ticket prices can change automatically with a constant formula.The popular tickets can have a higher price than the unpopular ones by using this formula. System warns the user if the currently searched ticket is popular and they are not much left to purchase.