
All my dots for Linux installs

Primary LanguageVimL

All Dem Dots

This is mostly for my own benefit but feel free to use whatever you like~

Awesome WM Stuff

the theme called 'default' in my .config/awesome/themes/ is not the actual default theme, but one that matches the Jellybeans Vim theme


Colors from: https://github.com/w0ng/dotfiles/blob/master/.config/termcolours/jellybeans


Here's what my conky config looks like. I don't use conky anymore but I like how this one looks so I'll keep ot around. Based on Archey.


All the plugins I use are listed at the top of my vimrc. A great theme to check out is Tomorrow Night Eighties. Yes, my vimrc is super ugly. I will clean it one day.


Dina Font is my go-to font for all my monospace needs, if anyone is wondering. It's a great font, I recommend it to everyone! It's in the Arch community repo.