Friendly and fast interface to generate Zend Framework 3 modules focused on Doctrine 2.
- Generate module. (Directory, Module.php, module.config.php, composer.json psr4 autoload, composer dump-autoload)
- Doctrine Entity. (string, text, integer, date/time, decimal, boolean, OneToOne, ManyToOne, OneToMany, ManyToMany)
- Controllers (Include Controller, ControllerFactory and controller.config.php)
- Action Templates (Code template for Method and View)
- Actions (Generate Method and View. Optional Route. Optional Template)
- Route (BootrsapTreeView for friendly ABM)
- Navigation (BootrsapTreeView for friendly ABM)
- ModuleOption (Include ModuleOption.php and ModuleOptionFactory.php) (Also include PluginController and ViewHelper)
- View Helpers (Class, Factory and Config)
- Plugin Controllers (Class, Factory and Config)
- Forms (Comming soon)
- Cristian Incarnato
- Alejandro Furgeri
Add the following modules to modules.config.php, at least in developer mode for use ZfMetal Generator
Bootstrap 3