
ICMP4j is an ICMP ping implementation for Java with a simple and clean API. Linux/Mac/Solaris/Windows are supported natively. If you can provide other native implementations, please contact the authors!

Primary LanguageJava


Not latest and not maintained !

this is an old copy of icmp4j

Sample code: import org.icmp4j.IcmpPingUtil; import org.icmp4j.IcmpPingRequest; import org.icmp4j.IcmpPingResponse;

// request - use IcmpPingUtil.createIcmpPingRequest () to create a request with defaults final IcmpPingRequest request = IcmpPingUtil.createIcmpPingRequest (); request.setHost ("www.google.com");

// delegate final IcmpPingResponse response = IcmpPingUtil.executePingRequest (request);

// log final String formattedResponse = IcmpPingUtil.formatResponse (response); System.out.println (formattedResponse);

See it in action: http://www.everyping.com/

Compilers: Built with Sun Java 1.7.0_55-b13, with a source/target combination of 1.6 Apache Ant 1.9.2

Binaries: jna-3.5.1.jar (677 KB) platform-3.5.1.jar (931 KB) icmp4j.jar (23 KB)

Tested platforms: Windows 8.1 64-bit Windows Server 2008r2 64-bit Windows 7 Pro 64-bit (ver 6.1.7601) Windows XP Pro 32-bit Debian 6 Mint17 ArchLinux OSX 10.11.3 Ubuntu 15.10 (kernel 4.2.0) 64 bit Ubuntu 15.10 (kernel 4.2.0) 32 bit

Running from the command line:

  1. mkdir c:\temp\icmp4j
  2. cd c:\temp\icmp4j
  3. Place icmp4j-project.zip in c:\temp\icmp4j
  4. Expand icmp4j-project.zip in place
  5. cd c:\temp\icmp4j\trunk\icmp4j\output\tool
  6. java -cp * org.icmp4j.tool.Ping www.google.com -or, if the above does not work:
  7. java -cp jna-3.5.1.jar;platform-3.5.1.jar;icmp4j.jar org.icmp4j.tool.Ping www.google.com

Using icmp4j with native libraries on unix platforms: ICMP EchoReply native access can be done either using JNI or JNA calls. icmp4j-project.zip contains compiled dynamic libraries for OSX 10.11 and Linux (32 and 64 bit)

  1. Expand icmp4j-project.zip to the directory of your choice
  2. in the trunk/platform/linux/release, look for the library matching your architecture.
    • for linux distribution (32 bit) copy libicmp4jJNI_32bit.so and libicmp4jJNA_32bit.so to your deployment directory. Rename libicmp4jJNI_32bit.so to libicmp4jJNI.so and libicmp4jJNA_32bit.so to libicmp4jJNA.so

    • for linux distribution (64 bit) copy libicmp4jJNI_64bit.so and libicmp4jJNA_64bit.so to your deployment directory. Rename libicmp4jJNI_64bit.so to libicmp4jJNI.so and libicmp4jJNA_64bit.so to libicmp4jJNA.so

    • for OSX copy libicmp4jJNA.dylib to your deployment directory

3.JNI mode java -cp icmp4j.jar -Djava.libraty.path= org.icmp4j.tool.Ping www.google.com

JNA mode
java -cp jna-3.5.1.jar;platform-3.5.1.jar;icmp4j.jar -Djna.library.path=<path to your library> org.icmp4j.tool.Ping www.google.com

Recompiling native librairies: You can recompile the libraries for your own platform. The source code and the makefile are located in trunk/platform/unix/source in the icmp4j-project.zip file.


  1. shortpasta-icmp, the predecessors of icmp4j
  2. Haiming Zhang, 64-bit versions of the dll (most recent build)
  3. Tiberius Pircalabu, 64-bit versions of the dll (initial builds)
  4. Damian Fernandez, reported bug with shortpasta-icmp.dll and sping.exe that can generate the GPF when running in non-administrative mode
  5. Jun Kwang, help with testing IcmpPingTool
  6. Kevin Shih: Help with testing and integration
  7. Nucly: add Mint17 and ArchLinux support
  8. Dekker: cooperate on Android support
  9. Daifeisg8: Icmp4jUtil.nativeBridge initialization bug
  10. Laurent Buhler: *nix and mac platform native implementations