
Consumer Web Applications recruitment test for roles at JUST EAT

Consumer Web Applications Recruitment Test

Thank you for taking the time to do our technical test. It consists of two parts:

  • Coding test
  • A few questions

Coding Test

JUST EAT has a public API available at http://api-interview.just-eat.com/ that you can use to get restaurant information, including which restaurants deliver to what areas.

As an example, http://api-interview.just-eat.com/restaurants?q=se19 returns a list of restaurants that deliver to an outcode, including some basic restaurant information (for outcode = se19).

The API requires you specify a set of valid request headers before it'll respond.

	Accept-Tenant: uk
	Accept-Language: en-GB
	Accept-Charset: utf-8
	Authorization: Basic VGVjaFRlc3RBUEk6dXNlcjI=
	Host: api-interview.just-eat.com

##Coding Test 1

The task is to create a ASP.NET MVC Web application using C# which consumes our public API.

This application should:

  1. allow users to search for a postcode manually
  2. search results should display the following for each restaurant that delivers to that postcode
    • Name
    • Average rating
    • Restaurant logo
    • Cuisine Types
  3. allow users to sort results by Name or Average rating (Client Side)

Task requirements

  • All requirements to be completed with an appropriate level of testing.
  • Feel free to use whatever javascript, testing, mocking/stubbing frameworks you prefer, along with any other packages.
  • Your code should be of production quality.
  • Please include a readme file on how to get your application up and running

##Coding Test 2

Write a function that will pass the following Jasmine test for a basket total calculator (please feel free to extend the test criteria to ensure it is fit for purpose).

	describe("basket total calculator", function () {
		var basketCalc = new BasketCalculator();
		it("Can add items to the basket total", function () {
		it("Can remove items from the basket total", function () {


  • Did you have time to complete the coding test? What would you add to your solution if you had more time?
  • What's your favourite programming language? Why?
  • How would you track down a performance bottleneck in a .NET application? Have you ever had to do this?
  • List a few of your prefered Javascript frameworks (also let us know in which situations you would choose to use/not use them)
  • Please describe yourself using either XML or JSON.

In order to avoid bounced emails we would like you to submit your results by uploading the relevant zip file to a shared Google Drive folder. Please send an email to tech.recruitment@just-eat.com with your valid Google email address so we can give you the correct upload permissions.

Thanks for your time, we look forward to hearing from you!