
A practice remote for the Git Essentials May 2016 class

Welcome to Git Essentials

  • Class Dates: May 5-6, 2016
  • Facilitators:
  • On the Mic: Cynthia Rich (@crichID)
  • On Gitter: Briana Swift (@brianamarie) and Hector Alfaro (@halfaro1)

While you are here

This will be our class repository for Git Essentials. To collaborate with us, please do the following:

  1. Comment on Issue #1 so we can add you as a collaborator.
  2. Click here ==> Join the chat at https://gitter.im/githubteacher/git-essentials-may-2016 to join us on Gitter.

Resources we will use

During class, we will refer to a few of our favorite resources. Here they are just in case you would like to reference them later: