Backend Development

Issue the following once

cd backend
npm install

Do some development then start the server to check your work

npm test
npm start

// you can access the API at http://localhost:3000

Example API calls


Frontend Development

Issue the following once

cd frontend
npm install

Start watch mode for easier development

npm run watch

Do some development then you can instantly check your changes in the browser

open the app/index.html in your browser then just refresh the page

Heroku Deploys


You can find the running live backend here link

Example API calls


You can find the running live frontend here link

Further Ideas

  • add some pagination solution for quicker page load and rendering
  • design refinements
  • better sort by solution
  • advanced search functionality, search in everywhere not just in the title
  • add/modify/remove/view prezi functionalities
  • rating prezis, favourites, top, etc.
  • facebook, twitter, ... integration
  • user profiles regular and admin