
Awesome deep learning in crop field phenotyping

A curated list of papers related to plant phenotpying using deep learning and resources. We will try to select reproducibly methods with public datasets


Counting plant

regression / density estimation

  • DeepWheat: Estimating Phenotypic Traits from Crop Images with Deep Learning [arXiv]
  • TasselNet: Counting maize tassels in the wild via local counts regression network [arXiv]

Object detection

  • Ear density estimation from high resolution RGB imagery using deep learning technique [arXiv]

Green Segmentation

Organ recognition

  • StalkNet: A Deep Learning Pipeline for High-Throughput Measurement of Plant Stalk Count and Stalk Width [arXiv
  • Ear density estimation from high resolution RGB imagery using deep learning technique [arXiv]



  • IPPN plant phenotyping datasets [Link]
  • Plant village dataset [Link]
  • Fully Convolutional Networks with Sequential Information for Robust Crop and Weed Detection in Precision Farming [Paper]
  • EasyPCC [Link]
  • A crop/weed field image dataset for the evaluation of computer vision based precision agriculture tasks [Paper]
  • A Public Image Database for Benchmark of Plant Seedling Classification Algorithms [Paper]
