
In order to learn and practice CSS layout properties, you will duplicate the given image using the index.html starter file, adding a CSS file, and adding CSS rules to make the page look identical to the image.

Learning Objectives

  • You should know how to use css layout properties

Performance Objectives

  • Demonstrate knowledge of css layout properties


  • A GitHub repository containing an index.html, normalize.css, and styles.css

I'm a Web Developer Mode

In order to learn and practice CSS layout properties, duplicate the provided octodex.png image.

  1. The index.html file includes the html for this project. DO NOT MODIFY THE HTML
  2. Add Normalize.css to your web page
  3. Add a CSS file and add CSS rules to make the page look identical to the provided image, octodex.png
  4. Deploy your site to GitHub

Hey, Mikey, I Think He Likes It Mode

Add 3 more Octocats to your web page. Use the Octodex at if you need some images, or draw your own and include them in your GitHub repository.

Caffeinated Mode

Try making your web page responsive when the browser is resized.