
Emotech's coding challenge, Imperial College London 2019

Primary LanguagePython

Do you speak python 3?

If not, exit(We hope to see you next year).

Do you know how to play the card game exploding kittens?

If not, go there.

Do you want to build an AI player and try to beat everyone else?

If not, exit(We hope to see you next year).

Are you still here?

If yes, and assuming you have a working version of python3 in your computer, please type in a terminal:

pip install pyCardDeck numpy

git clone https://github.com/zfountas/exploding-kittens-challenge.git

cd exploding-kittens-challenge

cp player.py <your_name>.py

Now there are three python files in this folder. Your goal is to work on the file with your name, and in particular to change the class Player and develop a bot that is able to play this game. To test your bot, please type

python play_game.py player player player <your_name>

The more cards your bot takes into account the more chances it has to win.

Of course, intelligence is not only determined by knowledge ;)

When you feel you're ready, please email the file with your name to f@emotech.co.