SAP TechEd 2020 Developer Keynote

REUSE status



This is the repository containing all the source (code, configuration and more) that was put together by the SAP Developer Advocates team for the Developer Keynote (DK100) at SAP TechEd 2020.

⏩ If you're just looking to dive in and get going on your own with this, the quick start guide may be useful to you.

🦉 If you've previously forked this repository and want to update your fork to get all the latest content, check out this guide: Updating your fork of the Developer Keynote repository.

The Developer Keynote session is designed to show how developers of different backgrounds, using different tools, technologies and languages can come together and contribute collectively towards an extension to an SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, using SAP Cloud Platform and services & runtimes upon it.

Watch the Developer Keynote replay, and read more about the back story for this keynote in the blog post SAP TechEd Developer Keynote DK100 - The Story.

The layout of this repository generally reflects the different components shown on the whiteboard diagram and demonstrated throughout the session.

Whiteboard diagram

The components

You can study and experiment with each component individually, and they are of course all designed to work together as shown in the developer keynote itself. Each component has its own directory within this repository.

We recommend you take the components one at a time. Specific instructions are given for each component, in the respective README files. Here's a list of those components, with links to their directories (and the READMEs):

  • SANDBOX - the proxy app that sits in front of the SAP Business API Hub sandbox system and injects the API key into each request as it passes through (JavaScript app using the @sap/approuter package)

  • EMITTER - the script that generates and emits (publishes) a "salesorder/created" event message to the message bus (Bash shell script invoking Messaging API calls to the SAP Enterprise Messaging service instance)

  • CONVERTER - the converter service that translates net amounts into charity credit amounts (Go language service listening for incoming HTTP requests)

  • BRAIN - the service that coordinates the event messages, subscribes to the "salesorder/created" topic, and publishes event messages to the "Internal/Charityfund/Increased" topic (a Node.js CAP based service connected to various endpoints)

  • FRONTEND - the web dashboard that visualizes the data from the CHARITY component (an SAPUI5 / Fiori app using UI Integration Cards)

  • CHARITY - the charity backend service that receives event messages published to the "Internal/Charityfund/Increased" topic, stores the data, retrieves business partner info, and makes an OData service available for the FRONTEND component (a Steampunk ABAP stack RAP based service)

If you're wondering about the MESSAGE BUS component, see the appropriate section a bit further down and the dedicated message bus setup section.


Component-specific requirements are to be found in the respective READMEs, but there are general requirements too which are listed here.

A development environment

You'll need a development environment with tools that are detailed below and in the component-specific READMEs. We all have our own preferences, which is great, but if you want to follow along and can't decide, or are unsure of which direction to take, or are unable to install tools locally, we are building instructions to help you out, centred around the SAP Business Application Studio (App Studio).

If you want to take that approach, make sure you read and follow the App Studio setup instructions.

Some of the sample output in the instructions in this repository is based on use of a Dev Space in the App Studio; specifically the way the shell prompt is displayed. An example of this can be seen in the Usage section of the EMITTER component information.

A GitHub account

You'll need your own GitHub account. Not only for the normal reasons of community and collaboration (you may want to send contributions to this repository via pull requests, for example) but also because some of the components are run in the Kyma environment on SAP Cloud Platform, and the individual component instructions (such as the ones for the SANDBOX) will direct you to build Docker images and publish them to your own GitHub Packages registry. See the GitHub Packages Documentation for more information.

You'll need your GitHub account when starting out - the Download and Installation section below will instruct you to fork this repository into your own space.

An SAP Cloud Platform trial account

Trial account

You'll need a trial account on SAP Cloud Platform, if you haven't got one already. Follow this tutorial for detailed instructions.

Cloud Foundry environment

When you set up a trial account, a Cloud Foundry (CF) environment is set up automatically for you, with an organization and single 'dev' space.

The CF command line interface (CLI) is available as the cf command. The version of cf required for use in this repository context is version 6. There is a newer version 7 but there is an issue with version 7 in the use of the cf env command, which needs to work correctly here. Moreover, it's more likely than not that you have version 6 of cf already installed and available.

Kyma environment

While a Kyma environment is not set up automatically, you can (and should) enable one with the "Enable Kyma" button on the main trial account overview page in the Cockpit, as shown in this screenshot:

Enable Kyma button

Follow this tutorial for detailed instructions, and make sure you also install the k8s command line tool (kubectl) and download and set your "kubeconfig" appropriately, as explained in the Install the Kubernetes Command Line Tool tutorial.

If you've decided to use App Studio for your development environment, the setup script that we've prepared for that scenario installs kubectl for you automatically, and there's a specific section in the instructions that shows you how to bring in the "kubeconfig" into your App Studio's Dev Space context.

Access to the SAP Business API Hub

  • Access: Make sure you can log in to the SAP Business API Hub

  • API information: Check that you can access the API information (e.g. for the Sales Order (A2X) API)

  • API specifications: Check also that you have the ability to download API specifications (e.g. to that same API_SALES_ORDER_SRV API)

  • API key: Check that you have an API key available to you in your preferences, for access to the sandbox system

A message bus

The one component on the whiteboard diagram that wasn't listed earlier is of course the MESSAGE BUS. This is an instance of the SAP Enterprise Messaging service. You'll need one of these. There is a 'dev' plan available for trial account users, it is marked as deprecated but perfectly serviceable for our needs.

If you want to learn more about the SAP Enterprise Messaging service and everything you can do with the 'dev' plan, check out this series from the Hands-on SAP Dev show on the SAP Developers YouTube channel: Diving into messaging on SAP Cloud Platform. Also, see the blog post An overview of SAP Developers video content for more information on SAP Developers video content in general.

Please set up an instance of the SAP Enterprise Messaging service according to these instructions.


If you want to try out the local Docker and Kyma runtime based aspects, you'll need Docker on your machine. Not just the docker client, but the Docker engine. Install it by following the Get Docker instructions for your platform.

Alternatively, you can use the GitHub Actions based facility we've provided to perform the Docker engine specific parts (building images). This is particularly relevant if you choose to use the App Studio as your development environment. See the App Studio setup instructions for more details.

Download and installation

To use this repository, fork it into your own user or org space on GitHub, and then clone that. You can now follow the component instructions, as well as this main README.

For more information about forking in general, see Fork a repo in the GitHub documentation.

Occasionally, we'll add content to this repo. If you need to update your fork to bring it back into line, you can follow the instructions in this blog post: Updating your fork of the Developer Keynote repository.

Throughout the instructions in this repository, the place where you forked this repository too will be referred to in the form "OWNER/REPOSITORY", and you should replace these placeholders with values that are appropriate for you. For example, if you are on GitHub as 'qmacro', and you fork this repository to that space, your values for "OWNER/REPOSITORY" would be "qmacro/teched2020-developer-keynote".

Known issues

None at the time of writing.

How to obtain support

Support for this repository is limited to the SAP TechEd 2020 Developer Keynote event and a limited number of weeks following that. Please raise an issue in this repository with as much detail as you can.


This is a community project and contributions will be welcome in the form of pull requests (PRs) - please submit in the normal way. Thank you!


Copyright (c) 2020 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.