
A competition of JDD PigFace Recogition

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

JDD competition of Pig Face Recogition


This is a repository use ResNet to achieve Pig face Recogtion. competition.

Developed for Tensorflow 1.3 Author: Feng zhang
Email: 364051598@qq.com


  1. Data
  2. Detect
  3. Recogition
  4. Train
  5. Test


Download the data in the JD's website. The origin data is 3000 Pigface images and 30 videos of 30 pigs.


way 1 Use adaboost classifier to detect all pig face in 30 videos. 3000 images are used to be the training data and train a classifier.I use this classifier to detect all pig face in 30 videos and save them in 30 folders.I don't disscuss it in detail. way 2 Use tensorflow object detection Api to detect the pig faces and save in 30 folders.You should try object detection Api firstly. And then, use \object_detection\cut_pig.py to get the target image.


Model:Use 50 Resnet.you can change the layers of model to 101 or 152 or 200.Do as follows:

%open the train.py

net_test,end_point_test = resnet_inference.resnet_v2_50(inputs=image_batch,num_classes=classes_num,keep_prob=keep_prob1,reuse=True)
net_test,end_point_test = resnet_inference.resnet_v2_101(inputs=image_batch,num_classes=classes_num,keep_prob=keep_prob1,reuse=True)
%you only need to change the number of layers


When you prepare 30 folders which are 30 pigs' images.Use shuffle_images_save_to_few_tfrecords.py to generate tfrecords.Do as follows:

%change the data dir which include 30 folders
images,labels = data.load_data(dirname="./object_detection_api", one_hot=False, resize_pics=(300, 300))
images,labels = data.load_data(dirname="./data_dir", one_hot=False, resize_pics=(300, 300))

After that,Train the models.Use yours data

files = tf.train.match_filenames_once("./your_data_dir/data.tfrecords-*")


The test data should be images.You put then in the same folders.For example:

X_test0,Y_test0 = data.load_data(dirname="./You_test_data_dir", one_hot=True, resize_pics=(224, 224))
%run test
python test.py

Have fun!! :)