
An open-world head-to-head tank fight with simple AI, terrain, and advanced control system in Unreal 4.

Primary LanguageC++

Part of the Complete Unreal Creator course on Udemy, see here for a special GitHub offer. The full course is part of this Kickstarter campaign which was over 1000% funded.

These are just the files from the course, not the actual tutorial videos. This course is exclusively hosted on Udemy.com, and has many hours of high-quality videos.

You're welcome to download, fork or do whatever else legal with all the files!

Enjoy yourself.

Ben Tristem

Click here to find out more about the course, and how we build these assets step-by-step.

Lecture List

BT01 Intro, Notes & Assets.cmproj

  • BT02 Game Design Document (GDD).cmproj
  • BT03 Setting Up a GitHub “Repo”.cmproj
  • BT04 Creating & Deleting Landscapes.cmproj
  • BT05 Landscape Setup & Scaling.cmproj
  • BT06 A Landscaping Process.cmproj
  • BT07 Upgrading Engine Version.cmproj
  • BT08 Using Landscape Layers.cmproj
  • BT09 Flat Shading Low Poly Landscapes.cmproj
  • BT10 Chris Folea MountainRange3.png
  • BT10 More Landscaping Tools.cmproj
  • BT11 Tank Control System.cmproj
  • BT12 Actors from Multiple Meshes.cmproj
  • BT12 TankParts.zip
  • BT13 Configuring a Tank.cmproj
  • BT14 3rd Person Camera Control.cmproj
  • BT15 Fixing 3rd Person Camera Rotation.cmproj
  • BT16 User Interface (UI) in Unreal.cmproj
  • BT17 Firing_M1A1_tank_in_Djibouti.jpg
  • BT17 Main Menu Screens.cmproj
  • BT18 UI Scale Box, Buttons & Mouse.cmproj
  • BT19 Controller Ready Navigation.cmproj
  • BT20 Trial Packaging Your Game.cmproj
  • BT21 Delegating to Components.cmproj
  • BT22 Using virtual and override.cmproj
  • BT23 Creating an AI Controller Class.cmproj
  • BT24 Get the Player Controller with C++.cmproj
  • BT25 Add Tick() to PlayerController.cmproj
  • BT26 Creating an Out Parameter Method.cmproj
  • BT27 Finding Screen Pixel Coordinates.cmproj
  • BT28 Using DeprojectScreenToWorld.cmproj
  • BT29 Using LineTraceSingleByChannel().cmproj
  • BT30 Unify Player & AI Aiming.cmproj
  • BT31 Create Default Sub Objects in C++.cmproj
  • BT32 BlueprintCallable().cmproj
  • BT33 SuggestProjectileVelocity().cmproj
  • BT34 Predict Projectile Landing Point.cmproj
  • BT35 Using FRotators in Unreal.cmproj
  • BT36 Using Forward Declarations.cmproj
  • BT37 BlueprintSpawnableComponent().cmproj
  • BT38 The C++ Compilation Process.cmproj
  • BT39 Code Architecture Storing State.cmproj
  • BT40 Review Our Execution Flow.cmproj
  • BT41 How to Report Bugs.cmproj
  • BT42 Using Clamp() to Limit Values.cmproj
  • BT43 CHALLENGE - Turret Rotation.cmproj
  • BT44 CHALLENGE - Turret Rotation Pt.2.cmproj
  • BT45 Setting Up Projectiles.cmproj
  • BT46 Upgrading to Unreal 4.12.cmproj
  • BT47 Working Round Awkward Bugs.cmproj
  • BT48 Using SpawnActor<>() to Spawn.cmproj
  • BT49 Projectile Movement Components.cmproj
  • BT50 Making AI Tanks Fire.cmproj
  • BT51 EditAnywhere vs EditDefaultsOnly.cmproj
  • BT52 Adding a Quit Button.cmproj
  • BT53 Setup Track Throttles.cmproj
  • BT54 ApplyForceAtLocation() in Action.cmproj
  • BT55 Physics Materials & Friction.cmproj
  • BT56 Fly-by-Wire Control System.cmproj
  • BT57 Using BlueprintReadOnly.cmproj
  • BT58 A Better Component Architecture.cmproj
  • BT59 Completing Manual Tank Movement.cmproj
  • BT60 Introducing AI Pathfinding.cmproj
  • BT61 Dissecting RequestDirectMove().cmproj
  • BT62 DotProduct() Vector Operator.cmproj
  • BT63 CrossProduct() Vector Operator.cmproj
  • BT64 Finalising Your Class Code.cmproj
  • BT65 How to Use Blueprint Variables.cmproj
  • BT66 Using Enum(erations) in UE4.cmproj
  • BT67 Refactoring our Aiming Component.cmproj
  • BT68 Attaching a Debugger to Unreal.cmproj
  • BT69 Constructor & Begin Play Timing.cmproj
  • BT70 Decoupling Your Architecture.cmproj
  • BT71 BlueprintImplementableEvent.cmproj
  • BT72 Using the ensure Assertion.cmproj
  • BT73 Dependency Mapping.cmproj
  • BT74 Talking Head - Real World Skills.cmproj
  • BT75 Starting From Green.cmproj
  • BT76 Aiming Without the Tank.cmproj
  • BT77 Finishing our Refactoring.cmproj
  • BT78 Adding TickComponent() Back.cmproj
  • BT79 Are Two Floats Equal?.cmproj
  • BT80 Programmatic Sideways Friction.cmproj
  • BT81 OnComponentHit Event in 4.12.cmproj
  • BT82 Avoiding Boolean Flags.cmproj
  • BT83 Improving Tank Aiming.cmproj
  • BT84 Tweaking Tank AI.cmproj
  • BT85 Making an Ammo Display.cmproj
  • BT86 Making an AutoMortar.cmproj
  • BT86 mortar_placeholder.zip
  • BT87 Using the Reference Viewer.cmproj
  • BT88 Preparing for Particles.cmproj
  • BT89 Introducing Particle Systems.cmproj
  • BT90 Particle Bounding Boxes.cmproj
  • BT91 Using FAttachmentTransformRules.cmproj
  • BT92 Radial Forces & Caching.cmproj
  • BT93 Using GetTimerManager().cmproj
  • BT94 Using TakeDamage() on Actors.cmproj
  • BT95 BlueprintPure & Health Bars.cmproj
  • BT96 The Observer Pattern.cmproj
  • BT97 Finishing Off - Part 1.cmproj
  • BT98 Finishing Off - Part 2.cmproj
  • BT98 Student AutoMortars.zip
  • BT99 BattleTank Section Wrap-Up.cmproj