
Read the README (like actually, read it)

Primary LanguageJava

APOS scripts

These were developed over 2011-2016 so there may be quite a bit of difference in the quality. However, everything will generally work quite well. Modern scripts that use PathWalker, bank_time, and menu_time will work exceedingly well.

They will be enough to max your account in every skill except Herblaw. For Herblaw, blood's scripts are the best, but these work well: S_Use2x14Bank14, S_VialFiller

Please credit me if you redistribute these scripts. If you edit them, leave at least a small comment "// edited by yourname".

A small number are not mine (they don't begin with S_). Generally the actual author is in a comment in the script.

If semi-decent detection standards are one day brought to RSC, all of these scripts will result in you getting banned. So will any other scripts for anything remotely similar.

  • Storm