
Legolas - A process message interceptor for debugging purposes

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Legolas >>>--->

Legolas is a process message interceptor for debugging purposes, under the hood it uses dbg to trace calls over a single process. All received messages to the process are intercepted and sent to the designed collectors processes.

Adding targets

In order to start, first add a target process (pid) to intercept messages.

    iex(1)> Legolas.add_target self

The above code will intercept all messages sent to the self process.

Adding collectors

A collector is a process (pid) that will receive all messages intercepted in the target processes.

    iex(2)> Legolas.add_collector self

In the above code self will receive all messages sent to targets processes.

Adding structs

Structs is a main patter to intercept messages and filter with that pattern. Add multiple structs into Legolas:

    iex(3)> Legolas.add_struct Middle.Earth.Orc

Legolas in action

Now send a message to the target process and check how the collectors will receive the same message.

@TODO: We need to support to handle multiple pattern matching for messages, for now Legolas supports to intercept messages with a defined struct (defstruct).

    iex(4)> send self, %Middle.Earth.Orc{}
    %Middle.Earth.Orc{name: "Azog"}
    iex(5)> flush()
    %Middle.Earth.Orc{name: "Azog"}
    {:message, %Middle.Earth.Orc{name: "Azog"}}

When intercept a new message, the collector process receive the message same as target process and emits a log.