
Python assignments for the machine learning class by andrew ng on coursera with complete submission for grading capability and re-written instructions.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Python Programming Assignments for Andrew Ng's Coursera ML Course

This repositry contains my solutions for the python versions of the programming assignments for the Machine Learning online class taught by Professor Andrew Ng. These python solutions were created by Gerges Dib.

These assignments work seamlessly with the class and do not require any of the materials published in the MATLAB assignments. Here are some new and useful features for these sets of assignments:

  • The assignments use Jupyter Notebook, which provides an intuitive flow easier than the original MATLAB/OCTAVE assignments.
  • The original assignment instructions have been completely re-written and the parts which used to reference MATLAB/OCTAVE functionality have been changed to reference its python counterpart.
  • The re-written instructions are now embedded within the Jupyter Notebook along with the python starter code. For each assignment, all work is done solely within the notebook.
  • The python assignments can be submitted for grading. They were tested to work perfectly well with the original Coursera grader that is currently used to grade the MATLAB/OCTAVE versions of the assignments.
  • After each part of a given assignment, the Jupyter Notebook contains a cell which prompts the user for submitting the current part of the assignment for grading.


These assignments has been tested and developed using the following libraries:

- python==3.6.4
- numpy==1.13.3
- scipy==1.0.0
- matplotlib==2.1.2
- jupyter==1.0.0
- jupyter-client==5.0.1

We recommend using at least these versions of the required libraries or later. Python 2 is not supported.