
CommPortal PHP API

Primary LanguagePHP


CommPortal - PHP library for MetaSwitch EAS CommPortal - Version 1.0.1

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to use, copy or modify this software. Use at your own risk.
Please submit problem or error reports to https://github.com/zgr024/CommPortal/issues


Initialize object with a directory number and password
$cp = new CommPortal($dn,$password);
Get the current session
$session = $cp->_session;
Initialize object with a previous session
$cp = new CommPortal($session);
Initialize object with a directory number only (SSO)

Note: To use SSO you must install a certificate on the EAS server and create a private key file on your web server

$cp = new CommPortal($dn);
Get voicemails using magic GET method
foreach ($cp->Voicemails as $voicemail) {
Get voicemails using traditional method
$voicemails = $cp->getVoicemails();
foreach ($voicemails as $voicemail) {
Get voicemail counts
$oicemailCounts = $cp->getVoicemailsCounts();
Get deleted voicemails counts
$deletedVoicemailCounts = $cp->getDeletedVoicemailsCounts();
Get deleted voicemails
$deletedVoicemails = $cp->getDeletedVoicemails();
Get voicemail message audio for embedded player
$url = getVoicemailURL($voicemailID);
Download voicemail message audio
Get call forwarding settings for 'Busy'
$busyForwarding = $cp->getCallForwarding('Busy');
Enable call forwarding for 'Busy'
$busyForwarding = setCallForwarding(true,'Busy',$number);
Disable call forwarding for 'Busy'
$busyForwarding = setCallForwarding(false,'Busy');
Get the Class of Service for the current subscriber
$classOfService = $cp->getClassOfService();
Get the Class of Service for the current subscriber
$classOfService = $cp->getClassOfService();
Get the Customer Information for the current subscriber
$classOfService = $cp->getCustomer();
Get whether the customer is subscibed to 3 Way Calling
$classOfService = $cp->get3Way();
Get the Customer Information for the current subscriber
$classOfService = $cp->getCustomer();