RHRI Member Data Scraper

This is a Node CLI script to scrape Mailchimp data from the Rhode Island SOS website in order to add additional info the Mailchimp database.


  1. Pull down this repo
  2. Ensure you've got Node >= 7.9.0 and npm >= 4.2.0
  3. npm install


Note that this repo currently queries a local members.json data file, and not the Mailchimp API directly. You'll need this file if you want to run this CLI locally. If you have API access, you can download the members list into a members.json file.


This repo contains a single Node.js executable, index.js. The following args are valid:

Argument Type Description
log bool Log the output
id string Get the data for a specific Mailchimp ID
zip string Pass a specific zipcode to the query
address string Pass a specific address to the query
city string Pass a specific city to the query
recursive bool Run successive queries, recursively
max number Maximum number of successive queries to run recursively. Default 10.

Usage examples:

Log the output

./index.js --log

Get data for a specific member via Mailchimp ID

./index.js --id=bsubakf9fo01903r0923

Pass a direct query to the SOS website

./index.js --address='1 Main Street' --zip='00000', --city=Providence

Query members recursively

./index.js --recursive

Set a max number of default queries (default is 10; queries will be run every five seconds):

./index.js --recursive --max=100


  • Write a PATCH request to update the Mailchimp DB.