Mage BA Test Case API - Ozgur Gurcan


  • GET /swagger/index.html --> Gets the swagger documentation
  • POST /api/v1/user/register --> Register end returns User. Uses username and password
  • POST /api/v1/user/login --> Login and return User with the JWT token. Uses username and password
  • POST /api/v1/endgame (Needs auth) --> Ends game for users and updates scores, return leaderboard.
  • GET /api/v1/leaderboard (Needs auth) --> Gets leaderboard.

For authentication

  1. Copy the JWT which came from /register response
  2. Put header in the request as Bearer <your token> for the /endgame and /leaderboard APIs


Go Module Init

git clone
cd mageBATestCase
go run main.go

You don't need to have any local database, Thanks to Mongo Atlas! Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following lines:



go run main.go

The default port is 8080 go to http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html or to see swagger ui.

For /user endpoint you don't need to add any token, but for /leaderboard and /endgame endpoints you need to add a token to the header as Bearer. You can get token from /user/login endpoint.


There is a postman collection in the root directory of the project. You can import it to your postman and test the API. The file name is Mage.postman_collection.json.

Code Coverage

Also, there are 25 test in the code. Current coverage rate is 87.9% of the statements.

Code Coverage Image


All APIs are online(thanks to GitHub CI/CD and Heroku) and you can test them with swagger ui or postman collection. (it is a free tier, so don't be surprised if it is slow)

For /user endpoint you don't need to add any token, but for /leaderboard and /endgame endpoints you need to add a token to the header as Bearer. You can get token from /user/login endpoint.

API Documentation


Generate Swagger Documentation (Needs to install swag, Docs already exist, so pass this step if you don't want to generate docs again)

swag init

for security reasons, these API/DB/Heroku will expire on the 24 of September.