
Rust library for the Matrix client-server protocoll

Primary LanguageRust


Latest version Documentation License Maintenance

Small rust library for the Matrix protocol


Right now, only the following are supported:

  • joining rooms
  • sending text messages and
  • receiving text messages

Support for room creation and receiving other kinds of messages are planned for the near time. Also, image upload is on my personal to-do list. :)


First, add this to your Cargo.toml:

dementia = "*"

In order to connect to a Matrix homeserver and join a room, you need a user on that homeserver and an access token for that user.

    let server_url = "https://matrix.org"; // The Matrix homeserver
    let access_token = "DAx…3wo";          // The Matrix user access token

With that, you can create a Homeserver object

    let connection = Homeserver::new(server_url)

or alternatively

    let connection = MatrixHomeserver::connect(server_url, access_token);

and use this object to join rooms:

    let mut room = connection.join("#bottest:https://matrix.org".to_owned());

(You need to join a room you want to interact with even if you are already joined. This is for the library to obtain the room id.)

You receive new messages with connection.get_new_messages() (which returns a Vector<String> of all messages since last called) and send messages with connection.send_message() (which takes a String).


extern crate dementia;

use dementia::{Homeserver, Room};
use std::{thread, time};

fn main() {
    let server_url = "https://matrix.org"; // The Matrix homeserver
    let access_token = "DAx…3wo";          // The Matrix user access token

    let conn = Homeserver::new(server_url)
    // The room must already exist
    let mut room = conn.join("#bottest:https://matrix.org".to_owned()); 
    let five_sec = time::Duration::new(5, 0);
    loop {
        for message in conn.get_new_messages() {
            if message == "hi" {

If you don't have an access token (yet) but the server supports password authentication, you can let the library generate its own access token:

    let connection = Homeserver::new("https://matrix.org")

Subsequentlty, you can retrieve the access token for future connections using

    access_token = connection.get_access_token();