黑客派社区实时同步插件 For Wordpress
在 WordPress 上的插件名为 sync-hacpai
B3log is an open source community blog-forum mixer in mainland China. It provides Web API to synchronize personal blogs from and to the central community server. This project implements a plugin for WordPress blog which supports this kind of synchronization for common WordPress users. Therefore, this plugin relies on the service provided by hacpai. The Web API documentation can be found at API. The services’ a terms of use and/or privacy policies can be found at the above link.
- 博客发布博文 -> 社区发布帖子
- 博客更新博文 -> 社区更新帖子
- 博客发布评论 -> 社区发布回帖
- 社区发布回帖 -> 博客发布评论
- 上传 zip 文件进行安装
- 填写配置项
- 在黑客派填写对应的配置项
- 配置面板
- 日志记录
Copyright © 2016 zonghua
License: MIT [1]: https://hacpai.com/b3log [2]: https://hacpai.com/