SHARK provides libraries for the design of adaptive systems, including methods for linear and nonlinear optimization (e.g., evolutionary and gradient-based algorithms), kernel-based algorithms and neural networks, and other machine learning techniques.
Find out more on the project website
This script is designed to build version 2.3.4 of the library, not the latest 3.0 version.
With this script building the framework is as easy as
# download (-d) and build for ios
./ -d ios
# build for osx
./ osx
The framework will be created for each target platform and located in framework
iOS framework includes support for iOS Simulator as well.
You might just drag & drop the framework into your Xcode project and you're good to go. However, I personally prefere more managed ways, that is CocoaPods.
So, there's Shark-SDK pod which you can use both for your iOS and OS X projects.
# Podfile
platform :ios, :deployment_target => '6.0'
pod 'Shark-SDK'
target :'shark2-osx-demo', :exclusive => true do
platform :osx, :deployment_target => '10.7'
pod 'Shark-SDK'
Make sure you close Xcode workspace while running
pod install
orpod update
, otherwise the workspace build settings will be messed up.
If you want to know what exactly does this script do, check out the blog post