Deployed Contract on Polygon Mumbai -
Deployed Contract on Bitcoin Cash Chipnet -
Tools Used: 1) Hardhat, 2) Ethers.js, 3) @bitauth/libauth, 4) Cashscript
Step 1: Create Escrow Contract (with timeout for withdrawal) on both Polygon Mumbai and Bitcoin Cash Chipnet
CashScript is used to compile the P2SH (or P2SH32) contract addresses on BCH
Step 2: Create attestation object from the swap parameters
Step 3: Sign attestation object with private key from both swap parties
Step 4: Publish both signed attestations onto BCH Chipnet via OP_RETURN
i.e -
Step 5: Execute the swap exchange function on both chains
If current block number of time exceeds the initially agreed upon time, funds from the respective escrow contracts will unlock, allowing the funder to withdraw the coins
Current Proof-of-Concept implements swaps for the native chain's coins, but can be extended to cover tokens of various forms. On BCH, tokens are created on-chain and within the transaction object. This takes advantage of the UTXO transaction model as well as scripting capabilities provided by CashScript.