
A lisp interpreter written for the functional programming class at EPFL

Primary LanguageScala

Lisp interpreter

A lisp interpreter written for the functional programming class at EPFL.

This is a copy of an assignment I was given. I thought it was an interesting one so I shared it

How to use

Simply run sbt in the project root and then run to get to the interpreter. This will run a (supposedly) Scheme-- interpreter. We were given specifications from the course and as such I don't know if it follow actual Scheme-- specs.

You can declare variables like so

(val v 3)    //This will bound v to 3

You can declare functions like so

(def (plusOne x) (+ x 1))

This is syntactic sugar for

(def plusOne (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))

The interpreter supports reccursive definitions so you can write

(def (factorial x) (if (= x 1)
  (* x (factorial (- x 1)))))
(factorial 3) // returns 6

The course asked us to add 'switch-like' constructs with the keyword case

(case 3
  (1 1)
  (2 1)
  (3 2)
  (else 0)
)// returns 2


Most of the code in Lisp.scala isn't my doing (some is). Credits goes to whoever made the Lisp.scala class in our assignment