Cat Breeds (GraphQL API and FE App)

Live Cat API

Start locally

# 1. Use NodeJS 10+
# 2. Make sure you have mongod in the background
sudo mongod

# Run production-ready build
npm i
npm start

# Run in development
npm i
npm run dev

Description of the app

An app where user can see list of cat breeds.

  • List items should include breed name, description, temperament and origin.
  • User can filter cat list based on origin and search by name.
  • User fetches required data from Cat API

Set requirements

  • Pleasing and responsive UI.
  • Clear API URL endpoints.
    • Exposing just one endpoint /api/graphql
  • Accessibility/Security.
  • Clean code, component based structure and best coding practices in use.
  • Good data structure.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Ability to discuss and argue the solutions.