Guided-Flow 🧑‍🦯

This repository is a basic setup to test Guided-Flow paradigm.
Bring up discussion, test real-life scenarions, find hidden stones.

Basic idea

This screenshot illustrates the intent behind Guided-Flow



It is important to define responsibilities here.

  • Back-end is responsible for offering Guided-Flows according to current users rights, access group, login status etc.
  • Front-end code is clueless about the business logic - it only collects data.
  • Front-end communicates with the api upon each step's data submission.
  • Front-end does not perform any api queries in between the Guided-Flow steps.
  • Guided-Flow steps contain clear instructions: what and how should be collected.

Start project

# install all node_modules
cd front && npm i && cd ../api && npm i

# Start client
cd front
npm start

# Start backend
cd api
npm start

You may wonder

  • How does a stateless API keep data generated by in between the steps?
The data generated by the API in between the steps travels back and forth betwen API and client. Thus eliminating the need for cache.