
Light-weight PHP framework

Primary LanguagePHP


Light-weight PHP framework Version 0.1


This framework is developed for small website, which does not have performance concerns.

It uses a light-weight database interface called Medoo, which supports MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle... It also supports Memcache.


  • config: where the config files locate
  • controller: where controllers locate
  • library: where the framework files locate, like DB and Memcache interfaces
  • service: service is a layer which implements business logics used in more than one controller
  • sql: exported sql scripts
  • tools: tools like DB cleaner, ...
  • unit_test: unit test files

Controllers & Actions

A controller could be added by adding a file to controller directory.

An action could be added by adding a function to a related controller

Data Service

Data service is used to access databases. Run following command to generate data service for database:

php tools/generate/generate.php service [dbname]

Unit Test

You could simply add your unit test file to unit_test directory. $commands stands for actions in controllers. Each item in params could be seen as a test case. url will be called when running unit test, and params will be passed into it.

You should run command like this:

cd unit_test

php test_user_url.php login

You could also run all test cases in one line:

php test_user_url.php all

Then all tests will run automatically.