A cli tool that lint your Vue SFC files with TSLint
npm i -D vue-tslint
Please use with TypeScript version > 3.0.0
Usage: vue-tslint [options]
-c, --config [config] TSLint configuration file. Default: project root
-p, --project [project] Folder that contain your tsconfig.json file. Default: project root
--fix Fixes linting errors for select rules (this may overwrite linted files).
-e, --exclude <exclude> An array of glob patterns to exclude matches
-g, --gitignore Respect ignore patterns in .gitignore files that apply to the globbed files
-v, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
vue-tslint -g -p vue-project -c tslint.json --fix
There is an example project in here
Current TSLint can't check .vue file directly. Luckily, there are some solutions.
If you use Webpack, ts-loader and fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin can help you. In this way, you can keep compiling and linting you ts and vue file in webpack dev mode.
If you use VSCode, vscode-tslint-vue extension can help you.
The vue-cli 3 has a TypeScript plugin, it provide the lint command to lint your TypeScript code. But the plugin can't be used alone, this cli tool is created based on the plugin's implementation
Besides, there is a new linter Wotan can lint ts code in .vue file directly.
Thus, before use vue-tslint, make sure you really need it.