
standard, high-dimensional, parallel, constrained, and multiobjective Bayesian optimization algorithms

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Matlab implementations of Bayesian Optimization algorithms

Bayesian Optimization (BO) algorithms, also known as Efficient Global Optimization (EGO) algorithms are widely used to solve expensive optimization problems. I try to make a collection of different Bayesian optimization algorithms that we have proposed and implemented during my research. In these implementations, I try keep the codes as simple as possile.

Table of Contents


  1. Windows system. I have not tested other operating systems, but the codes should also work as Matlab is cross-platformed.
  2. MATLAB 2016b and above. I used a lot of .* to multiply vector and matrix. This multiplication uses implicit expansion, which was introduced in MATLAB 2016b.

Standard Bayesian Optimization algorithm

The standard BO algorithm1 Standard_BO.m. For the Kriging modeling, the Gaussian correlation function is used as the corrlation function and the constant mean is used as the trend function. I refered some codes in the book Engineering design via surrogate modelling: a practical guide 2 for the Kriging model. The MATLAB fmincon function is used for maximizing the likehihood function to get the estimated hyperparameters when training the Kriging model. The expected improvement function is maximized by a real-coded genetic algorithm 3.

High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization Algorithms

The Dropout Approach4 HD_Dropout.m

Parallel Bayesian Optimization Algorithms

The Kriging Believer Approach5 Parallel_KB.m. The Kriging believer approach always uses the Kriging prediction value as the fake objective to update the GP model to produce multiple query points for parallel function evaluations.

The Constant Liar Approach5 Parallel_CL.m. The constant liar approach always uses the current minimum objective value as the fake objective to update the GP model to produce multiple query points for parallel function evaluations.

The Peseudo Expected Improvement6 Parallel_PEI.m. The pseudo expected improvement approach uses an influence function to simulate the sequential EI's selection behavior. It uses the influence function to update the EI function to prduce multiple query points.

The Multipoint Expected Improvement7 Parallel_qEI.m. The qEI function is coded according to the R code in 8. I used the Modified Cholesky algorithm 9 and a quasi-random approach to estimate an MVN probability 10 in the qEI implementation.

The Fast Multipoint Expected Improvement11 Parallel_FqEI.m. The FqEI criterion has very similar properties as the qEI, but is significantly faster than qEI. Therefore, it can be used for large batch size.

Multiobjective Bayesian Optimization Algorithms

  1. The ParEGO (Pareto EGO) (Multiobjective_ParEGO.m) 12.
  2. The Expected Improvement Matrix (Multiobjective_EIM.m) 13.
  3. The Expected Hypervolume Improvement (Multiobjective_EHVI.m)14. The EHVI criterion is calculated using Monte Carlo approximation.
  4. The MOEA/D-EGO (Multiobjective_MOEAD_EGO.m)15. We use all the samples to train the Kriging models instead of using the fuzzy clusting based modeling method.

Constrained Bayesian Optimization Algorithms

  1. The Constrained Expected Improvemment (Constrained_CEI.m) 16.
  2. The Pseudo Constrained Expected Improvement (Constrained_PCEI.m) 17.



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