
A quickstart tool for AmpliconArchitect. Performs all preliminary steps (alignment, CNV calling, seed interval detection) required prior to running AmpliconArchitect.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

April 2020 Update

PrepareAA supports hg38-aligned data through the jluebeck/AmpliconArchitect fork. Additionally, PrepareAA has now been dockerized and is available here. Instructions on using the dockerized version below.


A multithreaded quickstart tool for AmpliconArchitect. Performs all preliminary steps (alignment, CNV calling, seed interval detection) required prior to running AmpliconArchitect. PrepareAA supports hg19, GRCh37, and hg38. PrepareAA can also be invoked to start at intermediate stages of the data preparation process.


Depending on what input data you are using, PrepareAA (PAA) may require the following tools to be installed beforehand:

  • The jluebeck/AmpliconArchictect fork must be installed. The AmpliconArchitect data repo used by this fork also must be downloaded.
  • bwa mem (unless supplying your own BAM file aligned to the AA reference genome)
  • samtools (unless you already have a coordinate-sorted BAM file. PrepareAA supports versions >= 1.0 and < 1.0)
  • Canvas or CNVkit (unless supplying your own CNV calls)
  • freebayes (version 1.3.1 or greater, freebayes is required if using Canvas - unless supplying your own VCF calls)

If using Canvas please make sure the Canvas reference genome files are located in the expected location for Canvas. To do this, you can follow instructions on the Canvas Github page. We also provide a script $ install_canvas.sh [path/to/installation/directory/, which when run from the PrepareAA source directory will fetch the Canvas binary and download the canvasdata data repository. If installing on your own, create the canvasdata/ reference genome sudirectories in the folder with the Canvas executable. One installation dependency not mentioned explictly on the Canvas Readme is dotnet-sdk-2.2, which can be obtained in Ubuntu by running sudo apt-get install dotnet-sdk-2.2.

Please note that CNVkit requires R version >= 3.5, which is non-standard on Ubuntu 16.04/14.04.

Standalone configuration

In the directory you want to run AA in, do

git clone https://github.com/jluebeck/PrepareAA.git

Please see the jluebeck/AmpliconArchitect fork for AA installation instructions. AA must be installed to use PAA.

Prepare AA will generate a BWA index for the reference genome if one is not yet in place. This adds >1hr to running time for the first use only when alignment is performed.

PrepareAA Docker

A dockerized version of PAA is available in the docker folder. It will install AmpliconArchitect inside the docker image. Currently, the dockerized version does not support the variant calling or alignment steps but they will be integrated soon. Running this docker image can be done as follows:

  1. Docker:
    • Install docker: https://docs.docker.com/install/
    • (Optional): Add user to the docker group and relogin: sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
  2. License for Mosek optimization tool:
    • Obtain license file mosek.lic (https://mosek.com/resources/academic-license or https://mosek.com/resources/trial-license)
    • export MOSEKLM_LICENSE_FILE=<Parent directory of mosek.lic> >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
  3. Download AA data repositories and set environment variable AA_DATA_REPO:
    • Download from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1aptbKrELgC-GSk3A0lA4-mUITcoUJpAu
    • Set enviroment variable AA_DATA_REPO to point to the data_repo directory:
      tar zxf data_repo.tar.gz
      echo export AA_DATA_REPO=$PWD/data_repo >> ~/.bashrc
      source ~/.bashrc

Obtain PrepareAA image and execution script:

  1. Pull docker image:

    • docker pull jluebeck/prepareaa
  2. Run the script run_paa_docker.py located in PrepareAA/docker. It uses (most of) the same command line arguments one would pass to PrepareAA.py. Currently fastq alignment steps are not provided in the image. However CNV calling with CNVKit is integrated into the docker image (with thanks to Owen Chapman). Thus, one can start with a BAM file and get AA output if using the docker image.


Two example standard runs of PrepareAA:

Starting from .fastq files, using Canvas for seed generation.

/path/to/PrepareAA/PrepareAA.py -s sample_name  -t number_of_threads --canvas_dir /path/to/canvas/canvas_exec_dir --fastqs sample_r1.fastq.gz sample_r2.fastq.gz [--run_AA]


Starting from sorted .bam, using CNVkit for seed generation

/path/to/PrepareAA/PrepareAA.py -s sample_name  -t number_of_threads --cnvkit_dir /path/to/cnvkit.py --sorted_bam sample.cs.rmdup.bam [--run_AA]

--run_AA will invoke AmpliconArchitect directly at the end of the data preparation.

Starting from intermediate steps
  • If you already have your coordinate-sorted bam file, --fastqs can be replaced with --sorted_bam.

  • If using your own CNV calls:

/path/to/PrepareAA/PrepareAA.py -s sample_name  -t number_of_threads  --cnv_bed your_cnvs.bed  (--fastqs sample_r1.fastq sample_r2.fastq | --sorted_bam sample.cs.bam) [--run_AA]

Where the CNV bed file is formatted as:

chrN start end some_arbitrary_name copy_number

  • CNVkit requires R version 3.5 or greater. This is not standard on many Linux systems. Specify --rscript_path /path/to/Rscript with your locally installed current R version if needed.

  • If you generated your own VCF but would still like to use Canvas CNV, you can supply --vcf to bypass the freebayes step.

  • If using your own VCF + Canvas: Canvas only considers sites with "PASS" in the FILTER field of the VCF, so if "." is used, Canvas will fail. If you would like to convert your VCF with "." in the FILTER field to "PASS", you can use the following awk command

cat your_file.vcf | "awk '{ if (substr($1,1,1) != \"#\" ) { $7 = ($7 == \".\" ? \"PASS\" : $7 ) }} 1 ' OFS=\"\\t\"" > your_reformatted_file.vcf

A description of other command line arguments for PrepareAA is provided below

Command line arguments to PrepareAA

  • -o | --output_directory [outdir]: (Optional) Directory where results will be stored. Defaults to current directory.

  • -s | --sample_name [sname]: (Required) A name for the sample being run.

  • -t | --nthreads [numthreads]: (Required) Number of threads to use for BWA and freebayes. We do not control thread usage of Canvas. Recommend 12 or more threads to be used.

  • --canvas_dir [/path/to/Canvas_files/] (Required if not --reuse_canvas and not --cnv_bed [cnvfile.bed] and not --cnvkit_dir) Path to directory containing the Canvas executable and canvasdata/ subdirectory.

  • --cnvkit_dir [/path/to/cnvkit.py] (Required if not --reuse_canvas and not --cnv_bed [cnvfile.bed] and not --canvas_dir) Path to directory containing cnvkit.py.

  • --rscript_path [/path/to/Rscript] (Required if system Rscript version < 3.5 and using --cnvkit_dir). Specify a path to a local installation of Rscript compatible with CNVkit.

  • --python3_path Specify custom path to python3, if needed when using CNVKit (which requires python3)

  • --sorted_bam [sample.cs.bam] | --fastqs [sample_r1.fq[.gz] sample_r2.fq[.gz]] (Required) Input files. Two fastqs (r1 & r2) or a coordinate sorted bam.

  • --run_AA: (Optional) Run AA at the end of the preparation pipeline.

  • --ref ["hg19"]: (Optional) Name of ref genome version ("hg19","GRCh37","GRCh38"). Default: "hg19".

  • --vcf [your_file.vcf]: (Optional) Supply your own VCF to skip the freebayes step.

  • --cngain [float]: (Optional) Set a custom threshold for the CN gain considered by AA. Default: 5.

  • --cnsize_min [int]: (Optional) Set a custom threshold for CN interval size considered by AA. Default: 50000.

  • --downsample [float]: (Optional) Set a custom threshold for bam coverage downsampling during AA. Does not affect coverage in analyses outside of AA. Default: 5.

  • --use_old_samtools: (Optional) Set this flag if your Samtools version is < 1.0. Default: False.

  • --reuse_canvas (Optional) Reuse the Canvas results from a previous run. Default: False

  • --cnv_bed [cnvfile.bed] (Optional) Supply your own CNV calls, bypasses freebayes and Canvas steps.

PrepareAA has been tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7. PrepareAA's dependencies (related to CNV calling) will not work on CentOS 6.

Additional analysis scripts

BFB detection with bfb_foldback_detection.py

This script can be used to detect possible BFB-like signatures from AA graph files (documentation below). A second mode of operation can be invoked using other custom inputs (documentation coming soon).

To use the bfb_foldback_detection.py script on AA output, please create a two column file with the name of the graph file in column 1 and the path to the graph file in column 2. The rest of the command-line arguments are as follows.

Required arguments for running on AA results
  • --exclude [path to $AA_DATA_REPO/[ref]/[mappability excludable file]

  • -o [output filename prefix]

  • --ref [hg19, GRCh37, GRCh38]

  • --AA_graph_list [two-column file listing AA graphs]