
Python is a kind of glue language which gives us great productivity working in many areas. I am interested Python in network processing, data collection and scientific computation.

This is a folder where I store my exercise programs during the study of Python. I believe practice is the best way to study.

Exercise Projects

Baidu Map Search

Date: Dec 27, 2015

  • How to Use Web API
  • Python Develop Environment: Spyder Editor
  • How to Use urllib and XML Parser

Chuheng Robot

Date: Jan 19, 2017

  • How to Connect Wechat Official Account to Python running on SAE
  • How to use Bing Dictionary API and Turing Robot API
  • The Usage of - which is the foundation of many server-based frameworks
  • String in Python: str and unicode

Train Ticket Query

Date: Jan 27, 2017

  • How to Analyse a Website by Chrome Developer Tools
  • How to Crawl and Collect Target Infomation
  • Regular Expression
  • Usage of JSON Parsor
  • Usage of PrettyTable
  • Usage of Requests
  • Structure of Python Class

TSU Library Code Breaking

Date: Jan 28, 2017

  • Website Ananlysis
  • Usage of Requests and re
  • Read and Write Files
  • Proccessing of Keyboard Interuption

Verification Code Recognition

Date: Jan 29, 2017

  • Installation of tesseract
  • Usage of PIL/Pillow and pytesseract
  • PyCharm IDE

DES (Data Encryption Standard)

Date: Feb 3, 2017

  • __ and _ Prefix in Class
  • lambda and map
  • bytes in Python3

NetEase Music Tool

Date: Feb 5, 2017

  • Use curses Package to Write Terminal App
  • os.fork
  • UI design of Terminal App

IRLS for Logistic Regression

Date: Mar 20, 2017

  • Solve Binary Classification Problem $$P(y=1|x) = \dfrac{1}{1 + \exp(-w^T x)}$$
  • Use Iterative Reweighted Least Squares (IRLS) Method $$w_{t+1} = w_t - (X R X^T)^{-1} X (\mu-y)$$, $$R = \mu \circ (1-\mu)$$