
A reminder that mobx-react may crash at specific circumstances

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a repo to reproduce a problem of mobx-react in minimal code.

RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
    at NameDisplayer.getAtom (node_modules/mobx-react/index.js:867:21)
    at NameDisplayer.get$$1 [as props] (node_modules/mobx-react/index.js:877:21)
    at NameDisplayer.render (index.jsx:11:20)
    at NameDisplayer.makeComponentReactive (node_modules/mobx-react/index.js:740:56)
    at NameDisplayer.target.render (node_modules/mobx-react/index.js:962:38)
    at NameDisplayer.makeComponentReactive (node_modules/mobx-react/index.js:740:56)
    at NameDisplayer.target.render (node_modules/mobx-react/index.js:962:38)
    at NameDisplayer.makeComponentReactive (node_modules/mobx-react/index.js:740:56)

When doing some pressure test on my app, I got some error like this. (file path prefix got striped)

After many inspects, I found observer(SomeComponment) did some altering into SomeComponment.

It seems small, just wrap SomeComponment.prototype.render with another function which will call it later.

But after many times, the call stack is too many, finally turns into the exception of the top block.

How to use

npm i
npm run index

I got the error at 9603th loop (may vary between platforms)

Source code

see index.jsx

the "Altering" happens at line 18.