
A reference implementation for P3M electrostatics algorithms

Primary LanguageC

This program calculates electrostatic interactions in many particle systems
using different algorithms. It does not have a name.

To build execute "make" in the source directory.
Prerequesits to build are an mpicc in the PATH, fftw3, the gnu scientific
library and GNU make.

The binary is called "p3m". It is controlled via command line parameters.
They should be somewhat selfexplanatory, but there is detailed documentation
below. They are of the form <key> [<value>], their order is arbitrary.

./p3m particles 1000 box 10 mesh 16 cao 7 rcut 3.0 method 7 alphamin 0.1
alphamax 2.5 alphastep 0.05 system_type 5 

This generates a random system of 1000 particles of type 5 ( See system_type ) in a box of size 10^3.
It then calculates reference forces using an Ewald summation with machine precision, 
and executes the method no. 7 ( see methods ) a mesh of 16^3 interpolation
order 7 and real space cutoff 3.0 for all alphas from 0.1 to 2.5 with a
spacing of 0.05.


* rcut <cutoff>
The realspace cutoff.

* alphamin <alphamin>
The minimal alphavalue to calculate.

* alphamax <alphamax>
The maximal alphavalue to calculate.

* alphastep <alphastep>
The distance between alphas.

* { positions <position_filename> [ forces <forces_filename> ] | paritcles
<particles> box <box> [system_type <system_type] [ charge <charge> ] }
Either a position file to read the system configuration from, or the
parameters to generate one.

The system_types are
0   SYSTEM_RANDOM		uniformly distributed particles in the whole box.
1   SYSTEM_INNER_BOX		randomly placed particles within [0.25*box,0.75*box)^3.
2   SYSTEM_MADELUNG		A cubic cristall.
3   SYSTEM_SEPARATED_DIPOLE	Randomly placed extended dipoles with distance 1.
4   SYSTEM_GAUSSIAN		Gaussian distributed particles about the
center of the box.
5   SYSTEM_SLAB			Particles within [0.25*box,0.75*box)x[0,box)x[0,box) 
If charge is set, then the particles carry charge <charge> instead of unit charges.

The format of the position file is

# Teilchenzahl: <number_of_particles>
# Len: <box_length>
<x_1> <y_1> <z_1> <q_1>
<x_number_of_particles> <y_number_of_particles> <z_number_of_particles>

If forces is given the reference forces are read from <forces_filename>,
the format is

<fx_1> <fy_1> <fz_1>
<fx_number_of_particles> <fy_number_of_particles> <fz_number_of_particles>

There have to be exactly as many lines in this file as there are particles
in the particle file. If forces is not set, the reference forces are

* mesh <mesh_size>
The mesh size for the P3M methods.

* cao <cao>
The interpolation order for the various P3M methods.

* [mc <mc>]
The aliasing sum cutoff for the P3M influence function.

* [mc_est <mc_est>]
The aliasing sum cutoff for the P3M error estimate.

* method <method>
The method to use, where <method> is one of

0   P3M, ik differentiated, complex to complex, not interlaced.
1   P3M, ik differentiated, complex to complex, interlaced.
2   P3M, ad differentiated, complex to complex, not interlaced.
3   P3M, ad differentiated, complex to complex, interlaced.
4   Ewald summation.
6   P3M, ik differentiated, real to complex, not interlaced.
7   P3M, ad differentiated, real to complex, not interlaced.

For a description of the methods see

Deserno, Markus, and Christian Holm. "How to mesh up Ewald sums. I. A
theoretical and numerical comparison of various particle mesh routines." The
Journal of chemical physics 109 (1998): 7678.


Neelov, Alexey, and Christian Holm. "Interlaced P3M algorithm with analytical
and ik-differentiation." The Journal of chemical physics 132 (2010): 234103.

For a more detailed intruduction see the textbook of Hockney and Eastwood:

Hockney, Roger W., and James W. Eastwood. Computer simulation using particles. CRC Press, 2010.

* [ no_estimate ]
Disable calculation of the error estimate.

* [ outfile <filename> ]
Write output to <filename> instead of 'out.dat'.

* [ reference_out <filename>]
Write reference forces to file.

* [ system_out <filename> ]
Write system configuration to file.

* [ no_calculation ]
Skip the actual calculation.

* [ no_reference_force ]
Skip the reference force calculation even if no reference forces are given.