
An automated scraper tool to send entries from your Douban lists to Servarr servers.

Primary LanguagePython


An automated scraper tool to send entries from your Douban lists to Servarr servers.


  • Properly configured Sonarr, Radarr and Lidarr servers.
  • A Douban user account, of which you must possess full legal rights before running this script with it. Any violation of the EULA of Douban is not the responsibility of the project.

How to use


  1. Copy user_config_template.yml to user_config.yml and set all the options to the actual values from your environment.
  2. Run the script.


In Visual Studio Code

  • Open the workspace folder and launch with your launching option.

In Docker

  1. Build the Docker image by docker build -t douban_to_servarr . -f Dockerfile --platform linux/amd64 (the platform parameter should be a suitable one for your target platform).
  2. Start the container with either docker-compose (recommended):
     version: "2.1"
             image: docker.io/library/douban_to_servarr
             container_name: douban_to_servarr
             network_mode: 'host'
             - PUID=1000
             - PGID=1000
             - TZ=Etc/UTC
  3. Or start with docker-cli:
    docker run -d \
    --name=douban_to_servarr \
    -e PUID=1000 \
    -e PGID=1000 \
    --network="host" \
    -e TZ=Etc/UTC \

Trouble shooting:

  • Check the log file and see if there are any warnings or errors.
  • Check your Servarr configurations.