A project for software engineering class. The project idea is to create an application to help customers keep track of groceries: current items and items to buy.
- Dorothy Zhang
- Jeffery Tse
- Jun Hyung Kim
- Yeseon Kim
To build production, type make prod
Automatic deploy to PythonAnywhere is done by GitHub Actions.
To create the env for a new developer, run make dev_env
To run all tests, type make all_tests
To lint everything including tests, type make lint_all
To test or lint a specific directory, type make tests
or make lint
To push changes to github, type make github
Frontend repository: https://github.com/zhangdzh/GroGetterFrontend
To run locally, type npm start
Make sure you have node.js or npm installed.
- User sign in
- List all available users
- Add a new user
- Remove an existing user
- Get descriptive details of a user
- List items in grocery list
- Create a new list
- Delete a list
- Get descriptive details of a list
- List items by type
- Update item details
- Expiration date
- Quantity
- Required features will correspond to API endpoints
- Database will store user information as a dictionary
- Database will constantly be updated
- Web framework created with React