

android client

First create client and message:

title := "gomipush sdk send to alias123"
description := "gomipush sdk send to alias123"
passThrough := 0
client := NewClient("security")
msg := NewAndroidMessage(title, description , passThrough , []string{restrictedPackageName})

Sencod do send

  • Send to topic:
  topic := "abc"
  rsp, err := client.Send(msg).ToTopic(topic).Do(context.Background())
  • Send to multi topics
  topic := []string{"abc","abc2"}
  rsp, err := client.Send(msg).ToMultiTopic(topic, op).Do(context.Background())
  //op is type BroadcastTopicOp ,and can must be one in [Union, Intersection, Except]
  • Send to RegId
  regId := []string{"abc"}
  rsp, err := client.Send(msg).ToToRegID(regId).Do(context.Background())
  • Send to Alias
  alias := []string{"abc"}
  rsp, err := client.Send(msg).ToAlias(alias).Do(context.Background())
  • Send to userAccount
userAccount := []string{"abc"}
rsp, err := client.Send(msg).ToUserAccount(userAccount).Do(context.Background())
  • Send to All
rsp, err := client.Send(msg).ToAll().Do(context.Background())

ios client

