Check if the images belongs to scheme2.Manifest
$ dp c dduportal/bats:0.4.0
scheme2.Manifest: []
scheme1.Manifest: [dduportal/bats:0.4.0]
$ dp c dduportal/bats:0.4.0 nginx:alpine --only
scheme2.Manifest: [nginx:alpine]
Pull the docker images on a machine without docker, and support pulling images from multiple registry at same time
$ dp pull
pull all images and write to a tar.gz file without docker daemon.
dp pull [flags]
pull, p
# pull a image or set the name to save
dp pull nginx:alpine
dp pull -o nginx.tar.gz nginx:alpine
# pull image use sha256
dp pull mcr.microsoft.com/windows/nanoserver@sha256:ae443bd9609b9ef06d21d6caab59505cb78f24a725cc24716d4427e36aedabf2
# pull images and set the name to save
dp pull -o project.tar.gz nginx:alpine nginx:1.17.5-alpine-perl
# pull from different registry
dp pull -o project.tar.gz nginx:alpine gcr.azk8s.cn/google_containers/pause-amd64:3.1
-h, --help help for pull
-o, --out-file string the name will write to
Many of the images on quay.io are still scheme1.manifest, and some of the mirror images of some other domain names are long ago. These images will not be successfully pulled.
- could retry while failed
- multi process download
- with a nice download progress bar
- support quay.io and harbor(hard for quay.io!!)