Sidechains-SDK Alpha

Sidechains-SDK is a framework, that allows to create Horizen blockchain compatible sidechains with custom business logic.

Alpha features

  1. Multiple sidechain nodes network.
  2. Mainchain synchronization: Cross-chain Transfer Protocol support for sidechain declaration and forward transfers.
  3. Basic Consensus (anyone can forge).
  4. Built-in coins transferring operations inside sidechain.
  5. HTTP API for basic node operations.
  6. Possibility to declare custom Transactions/Boxes/Secrets/etc.
  7. Possibility to extend/manage basic API.
  8. Web interface and command line tool for interaction with the Node.
  9. Sidechain Bootstapping Tool to configure sidechain network according to the mainchain network.

Supported platforms

Sidechains-SDK is available and tested on Linux and Windows (64bit).


  1. Install Java 8, Scala 2.12.x, SBT 0.13.x

  2. Sidechains-SDK based on Scorex framework 2.0.0-RC4 version. Scorex-2.0.0-RC4 should be installed into your local maven repository:

    Clone Scorex git repository and checkout to the proper commit:

    git clone
    cd Scorex
    git checkout 6ffeafc

    Comment out lines 22-33 and 153-169 in file build.sbt

    Publish Scorex core to local maven repository:

    sbt publishM2


Each node has an API server bound to the address:port specified in a configuration file. Also the node starts the Swagger server.

There are two ways how to interact with the Node:

  1. Swagger web interface. Just open in your browser the path to API server. By default it's localhost:9085.
  2. Use any convenient HTTP client. For example, curl or postman.

Project structure

Project has a module maven structure and consists of 3 modules:

  1. SDK - core of the Sidechains-SDK.
  2. ScBootsrappingTool - tool that allow you to prepare configuration file for SC Node to be able to synchronize with MC network.
  3. Simple App - example application without any custom logic that allow to run a Node both connected to MC network and isolated from MC.


To have a sidechain node without any custom business logic run Simple App example.