Sidechains-SDK is a framework, that allows to create Horizen blockchain compatible sidechains with custom business logic.
Alpha features
- Multiple sidechain nodes network.
- Mainchain synchronization: Cross-chain Transfer Protocol support for sidechain declaration and forward transfers.
- Basic Consensus (anyone can forge).
- Built-in coins transferring operations inside sidechain.
- HTTP API for basic node operations.
- Possibility to declare custom Transactions/Boxes/Secrets/etc.
- Possibility to extend/manage basic API.
- Web interface and command line tool for interaction with the Node.
- Sidechain Bootstapping Tool to configure sidechain network according to the mainchain network.
Supported platforms
Sidechains-SDK is available and tested on Linux and Windows (64bit).
Install Java 8, Scala 2.12.x, SBT 0.13.x
Sidechains-SDK based on Scorex framework 2.0.0-RC4 version. Scorex-2.0.0-RC4 should be installed into your local maven repository:
Clone Scorex git repository and checkout to the proper commit:
git clone cd Scorex git checkout 6ffeafc
Comment out lines 22-33 and 153-169 in file
Publish Scorex core to local maven repository:
sbt publishM2
Each node has an API server bound to the address:port
specified in a configuration file.
Also the node starts the Swagger server.
There are two ways how to interact with the Node:
- Swagger web interface. Just open in your browser the path to API server. By default it's
. - Use any convenient HTTP client. For example, curl or postman.
Project structure
Project has a module maven structure and consists of 3 modules:
- SDK - core of the Sidechains-SDK.
- ScBootsrappingTool - tool that allow you to prepare configuration file for SC Node to be able to synchronize with MC network.
- Simple App - example application without any custom logic that allow to run a Node both connected to MC network and isolated from MC.
To have a sidechain node without any custom business logic run Simple App example.