
Parallel version of Hines algorithm written in OpenMP

Primary LanguageC++


Parallel version of Hines algorithm (a core step in neuron simulation, see: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2017.05.145) written in OpenMP.

Source codes are contained in directory src/. serial.cpp is the serial program, while parallel.cpp the parallel. Small-scale and mediate-scale datasets are provided in data/.

  • To compile the program: Move to directory script/ and execute compile.sh(.bat) for Linux(Windows) OS.

  • To run the serial program: Move to directory script/ and execute srun_all.sh(.bat) for Linux(Windows) OS. Results will be written into sresult/. If the executable src/serial does not yet exist, this script will compile it for you.

  • To run the parallel program: Move to directory script/ and execute prun_all.sh(.bat) for Linux(Windows) OS. Results will be written into presult/. If the executable src/parallel does not yet exist, this script will compile it for you.