
Examples and best practices of ROS templates.

Primary LanguagePython

ROS Templates

本仓库包含了编写 ROS 模板的示例和最佳实践。

欢迎体验 ROS控制台,阅读 ROS帮助文档 以了解更多细节。


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 ECSCloneJoinSLS 创建一组ECS,并将其作为指定的SLS中相关project的logtail的机器组。 YAML JSON
2 ECSGroupJoinSLS 克隆ECS并将IP指向日志服务中新创建的机器组,并应用指定的规则。 YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 DockerDatacneterEnterprise 基于Docker EE一键部署 DDC。 YAML JSON
2 DockerSwarm 一键创建Docker Swarm模式集群。 YAML JSON
3 JStorm 创建JStorm容器服务集群。JStorm依赖的Zookeeper也会一并部署。 YAML JSON
4 Jenkins 创建Jenkins容器服务集群。 YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 MemcacheInstance 创建一个云数据库Memcache版实例。 YAML JSON
2 MongoDBInstance 创建一个云数据库MongoDB版实例。 YAML JSON
3 RDSInstance 创建一个云数据库RDS版实例。 YAML JSON
4 RedisInstance 创建一个云数据库Redis版实例。 YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 ECSGroupAttachMultipleSLB 创建ECS,在/etc/hosts中绑定IP和机器名,并把ECS加入多个SLB。 YAML JSON
2 ECSGroupClassic 创建一组相同配置的ECS实例,采用经典网络,同属一个安全组。 YAML JSON
3 ECSGroupClone 根据已有的ECS实例,克隆出相同配置的一组ECS实例。 YAML JSON
4 ECSGroupVPC 创建一组相同配置的ecs实例,同属一个VPC和安全组。 YAML JSON
5 ECSImageDiskSnapshot 指定镜像、磁盘快照创建ECS实例。 YAML JSON
6 ECSMountMultipleUninitializedDataDisks 在VPC环境中创建ECS,申请弹性IP,并分区,格式化,挂载多个数据盘。 YAML JSON
7 ECSVPCInstance 创建VPC网络下的ECS实例。 YAML JSON
8 ECSWith2DataDisk 创建一个ECS实例,挂载两个快照数据盘。 YAML JSON
9 ECSWithJavaWebEnviroment 部署Java Web开发测试环境。 YAML JSON
10 ECSWithNodejsEnviroment 部署Node.js开发测试环境。 YAML JSON
11 ECSWithRubyEnviroment 基于一个ECS实例和本地MySQL部署Rails on Ruby。 YAML JSON
12 ECSWithSSHKey 创建一个ECS实例,并配置SSH Key。 YAML JSON
13 ESS1SLB2RDS2ECS 创建一个ESS实例,其下挂载一个SLB实例、两个RDS实例。SLB实例下挂两个ECS实例。 YAML JSON
14 EntireECSClone 完全克隆一台ECS实例,包括源ECS中的数据。 YAML JSON
15 HadoopDistributedEnv3ECS 部署Hadoop分布式开发环境。 YAML JSON
16 HadoopDistributedecsgroup 基于ECS Group部署Hadoop分布式环境。 YAML JSON
17 HadoopPseudoDistributedEnv 部署Hadoop伪分布式开发环境。 YAML JSON
18 JDKDNSSSHWithoutPassword3ECS 创建3个ECS实例, 并安装配置JDK,域名解析和无密码ssh登录环境。基于该模板,我们可以编写其他的复杂模板(例如,Hadoop和Spark模板)。 YAML JSON
19 LNMPBasic 一键部署LNMP(Linux+Nginx+MySQL+PHP)栈。 YAML JSON
20 RDSWithECSInIpList 创建一个RDS实例和一个ECS实例,且内网可访问。 YAML JSON
21 SLBWith2ECS 创建一个SLB实例和两个ECS实例,并进行挂载。 YAML JSON
22 ScalingSimpleHAInfrastructure 根据指定的ECS实例,克隆指定数量的ECS,并加入到指定的SLB中。 YAML JSON
23 SimpleEcsInstance 简单创建一个包含安全组和vSwitch的ECS实例。 YAML JSON
24 SimpleHighAvailableInfrastructure 创建一个简单的高可用基础架构:在VPC网络下,创建ECS实例并加入到一个SLB,同时创建多可用区RDS。外部用户可通过SLB访问应用。 YAML JSON
25 SparkHadoopDistributedEnv3ECS 基于3个ECS实例和NAT网关,部署Spark和Hadoop分布式环境。 YAML JSON
26 SparkHadoopEcsgroup 基于ECS Group部署Spark和Hadoop分布式环境。 YAML JSON
27 TensorFlowDeployment 创建ECS实例,并安装TensorFlow。 YAML JSON
28 WordPressCluster 在VPC网络环境下创建WordPress集群,并配置VPC的SNAT功能访问网络。 YAML JSON
29 WordPressClusterPhpMyAdmin 创建WordPress集群和phpMyAdmin应用。 YAML JSON
30 WordPressInstance 基于ECS和RDS创建WordPress环境。 YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 MicroVPCArchitecture 微型VPC企业网络架构。在VPC下创建了一个子网。ECS实例通过公网IP访问外部网络。 YAML JSON
2 MiddleVPCArchitecture 中型VPC企业网络架构。在VPC下创建了三个子网。前端子网中的ECS和SLB处理公共网络请求。后端子网中的ECS、SLB、RDS、Redis、OSS等提供核心业务逻辑。网络通过NatGateway的SNAT访问公共网络。 YAML JSON
3 SLBClone 将源负载均衡挂载的实例挂载到一个新的负载均衡上。 YAML JSON
4 SmallVPCArchitecture 小型企业VPC网络架构。在VPC中创建了两个子网。ECS通过NatGateway DNAT和SNAT访问外部网络。 YAML JSON
6 VPCNatGateway 在VPC网络下创建ECS实例并配置NatGateway使VPC网络中的ECS实例可访问外网和提供服务。 YAML JSON
7 VPCSnatGateway 一键创建SNAT网关,VPC环境下创建一个绑定了EIP的ECS实例做为SNAT网关。 YAML JSON
8 VPCVSwitchRouteSGECS 创建一个VPC、一个VSwitch、一个安全组、一个ECS实例和一条自定义路由。 YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 RAMCreateSubAccount 创建子帐号, 生成ak,并开启控制台登录。 YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 AliyunROSStackGroupAdministrationRole 配置 AliyunROSStackGroupAdministrationRole 以使用阿里云资源编排服务(ROS)的资源栈组功能。 YAML JSON
2 AliyunROSStackGroupExecutionRole 配置 AliyunROSStackGroupExecutionRole 以在阿里云资源编排服务(ROS)的资源栈组功能中使用您的账户作为目标账户。 YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 SimpleOSSBucket 创建一个OSS Bucket。 YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 SimpleWindowsInstanceWithSharepoint 创建一个Windows实例,并安装SharePoint。 YAML JSON



序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Configuration 创建 ACM Namespace、Configuration YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 AlertContactGroup 创建 Arms AlertContact、AlertContactGroup YAML JSON
2 RetcodeApp 创建 Arms RetcodeApp YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 TrailLogging 创建 ACTIONTRAIL Trail、TrailLogging YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Api 创建 ApiGateway Api、Group、App、Deployment、Authorization、Signature、SignatureBinding、TrafficControl、TrafficControlBinding、 YAML JSON
2 Instance 创建 ApiGateway Instance YAML JSON
3 StageConfig 创建 ApiGateway StageConfig YAML JSON
4 VpcAccessConfig 创建 ApiGateway VpcAccessConfig YAML JSON
5 CustomDomain 创建 ApiGateway CustomDomain YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 WaitOrder 创建 BSS WaitOrder YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Certificate 创建 CAS Certificate YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Domain 创建 CDN Domain、DomainConfig YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Cen 创建 Cen YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Contact 创建 CMS Contact、ContactGroup、DynamicTagGroup YAML JSON
2 MonitoringAgentProcess 创建 CMS MonitoringAgentProcess YAML JSON
3 MonitorGroup 创建 CMS MonitorGroup、MonitorGroupInstances YAML JSON
4 EventRule 创建 CMS EventRule YAML JSON
5 EventRuleTargets 创建 CMS EventRuleTargets YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Repository 创建 CR Repository YAML JSON
2 InstanceEndpointAclPolicy 创建 创建 CR InstanceEndpointAclPolicy YAML JSON
3 Namespace 创建 CR NameSpace YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 KubernetesCluster 创建 创建 KubernetesCluster YAML JSON
2 AnyCluster 创建 AnyCluster YAML JSON
3 ManagedEdgeKubernetesCluster 创建 ManagedEdgeKubernetesCluster YAML JSON
4 ManagedKubernetesCluster 创建 创建 ManagedKubernetesCluster YAML JSON
5 ServerlessKubernetesCluster 创建 ServerlessKubernetesCluster YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Domain 创建 DNS Domain、DomainGroup YAML JSON
2 DomainRecord 创建 DNS DomainRecord YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 DrdsInstance 创建 DrdsInstance YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 DTS 创建 DTS MigrationJob、SynchronizationJob YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Topic 创建 DataHub Project、Topic YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 ContainerGroup 创建 ECI ContainerGroup YAML JSON
2 ImageCache 创建 ECI ImageCache YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 SNatEntry 创建 ECS SecurityGroupIngress YAML JSON
2 AutoSnapshotPolicy 创建 ECS AutoSnapshotPolicy YAML JSON
3 SecurityGroupEgress 创建 ECS SecurityGroupEgress YAML JSON
4 NetworkInterfaceAttachment 创建 ECS NetworkInterface、NetworkInterfaceAttachment YAML JSON
5 InstanceClone 创建 ECS Instance Clone YAML JSON
6 SecurityGroupIngress 创建 ECS SecurityGroupIngress YAML JSON
7 DedicatedHost 创建 ECS DedicatedHost YAML JSON
8 DeploymentSet 创建 ECS DeploymentSet YAML JSON
9 Instance 创建 Vpc ECS instance、EIP、NatGateway、SSHKeyPair YAML JSON
10 LaunchTemplate 创建 ECS LaunchTemplate、AutoProvisioningGroup YAML JSON
11 HpcCluster 创建 ECS HpcCluster YAML JSON
12 JoinSecurityGroup 创建 ECS JoinSecurityGroup YAML JSON
13 NatGateway 创建 ECS NatGateway、BandwidthPackage YAML JSON
14 AssignPrivateIpAddresses 创建 ECS AssignPrivateIpAddresses YAML JSON
15 PrepayInstance 创建 ECS PrepayInstance YAML JSON
16 RunCommand 创建 ECS RunCommand YAML JSON
17 Route 创建 ECS Route、AssignIpv6Addresses YAML JSON
18 ForwardEntry 创建 ECS ForwardEntry YAML JSON
19 SecurityGroupClone 创建 ECS SecurityGroupClone YAML JSON
20 Disk 创建 ECS Disk YAML JSON
21 InstanceGroup 创建 ECS InstanceGroup、InstanceGroupClone、Command、Invocation YAML JSON
22 CustomImage 创建 ECS CustomImage、CopyImage YAML JSON
23 DiskAttachment 创建 ECS DiskAttachment、Snapshot YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 ClusterMember 创建 EDAS ClusterMember YAML JSON
2 Cluster 创建 EDAS Cluster、App、DeployGroup YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Cluster 创建 EHPC Cluster YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Cluster 创建 EMR Cluster YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 ScalingGroup 创建 ESS ScalingGroup、ScalingRule、AlarmTask、AlarmTaskEnable、LifecycleHook、ScheduledTask YAML JSON
2 ScalingGroupEnable 创建 ESS ScalingConfiguration、ScalingGroupEnable YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Instance 创建 ElasticSearch Instance YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 FunctionInvoker 创建 FC FunctionInvoker、Trigger、Version、Alias、ProvisionConfig YAML JSON
2 CustomDomain 创建 FC CustomDomain YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Flow 创建 FNF Flow、Schedule YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Cluster 创建 GWS Cluster、Instance YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Rule 创建 IOT Rule YAML JSON
2 DeviceGroup 创建 IOT DeviceGroup YAML JSON
3 Device 创建 IOT Product、Device YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Key 创建 KMS Key、Alias YAML JSON
2 Secret 创建 KMS Secret YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Instance 创建 创建 Kafka Instance、Topic YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Subscription 创建 MNS Queue、Topic、Subscription YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Cluster 创建 MSE Cluster YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Order 创建 MarketPlace Order YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Instance 创建 Memcache Instance、WhiteList YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 ServerlessInstance 创建 MONGODB ServerlessInstance YAML JSON
2 ShardingInstance 创建 MongoDb ShardingInstance YAML JSON
3 MongoDBInstance 创建 MONGODB Instance YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 NAS 创建 NAS AccessGroupName、AccessRule、FileSystem、MountTarget YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Parameter 创建 OOS Parameter YAML JSON
2 OOS 创建 OOS Template、Execution YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Bucket 创建 OSS Bucket YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 OTS 创建 OTS Table、Instance、VpcBinder YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 PVTZ 创建 PVTZ Zone、ZoneRecord、ZoneVpcBinder YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 ManagedPolicy 创建 RAM ManagedPolicy YAML JSON
2 Role 创建 RAM Role YAML JSON
3 AccessKey 创建 RAM User、AccessKey YAML JSON
4 AttachPolicyToRole 创建 RAM Role、AttachPolicyToRole YAML JSON
5 User 创建 RAM User、Group、AttachPolicyToUser、UserToGroupAddition YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 PrepayDBInstance 创建 RDS PrepayDBInstance YAML JSON
2 DBInstance 创建 RDS DBInstance、Account、AccountPrivilege YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Stack 创建 ROS Stack YAML JSON
2 WaitCondition 创建 ROS WaitCondition YAML JSON
3 CustomResource 创建 ROS CustomResource YAML JSON
4 AutoEnableService 创建 ROS AutoEnableService YAML JSON
5 WaitConditionHandle 创建 ROS WaitConditionHandle YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Instance 创建 创建 Redis Instance、Whitelist and Account YAML JSON
2 PrepayInstance 创建 创建 Redis PrepayInstance YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 ResourceGroup 创建 ResourceManager ResourceGroup YAML JSON
2 Handshake 创建 ResourceManager Handshake YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 SAE 创建 SAE Application、Namespace、SlbBinding, and deploy Application YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Listener 创建 SLB LoadBalancer、Listener、LoadBalancerClone、Certificate、DomainExtension、VServerGroup、Rule YAML JSON
2 BackendServerAttachment 创建 SLB BackendServerAttachment、MasterSlaveServerGroup YAML JSON
3 AccessControl 创建 SLB AccessControl YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 SLS 创建 SLS Project、Logstore、Alert、Index、SavedSearch、LogtailConfig、MachineGroup、ApplyConfigToMachineGroup、ApiGatewayLogConfig YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 UIS 创建 UIS UisNode、UisConnection YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 SnatEntry 创建 Vpc SnatEntry、CommonBandwidthPackage、Ipv6Gateway、ECS AssignIpv6Addresses YAML JSON
2 RouterInterfaceUpdate 创建 Vpc RouterInterface YAML JSON
3 RouteTable 创建 Vpc RouteTable YAML JSON
4 Eip 创建 Vpc EIP YAML JSON
5 EIPAssociation 创建 Vpc EIPAssociation YAML JSON
6 RouterInterface 创建 Vpc RouterInterface YAML JSON
7 NatGateway 创建 VPC NatGateway YAML JSON


序号 名称 描述(用途) 链接
1 Domain 创建 Waf Domain YAML JSON
2 DomainConfig 创建 Waf DomainConfig、AclRule、WafSwitch YAML JSON
3 Instance Warning: Waf Instance only support prepay type YAML JSON


This repository contains examples and best practices for building ROS templates.

Welcome to access ROS console, and to read ROS document for more details.


No. Name Description Links
1 ECSCloneJoinSLS Clones an ECS instance, and consider it as the machine group of the related project logtail in Log Serivce. YAML JSON
2 ECSGroupJoinSLS Creates a set of ECS instance, and consider it as the machine group of the related project logtail in Log Serivce. YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 DockerDatacneterEnterprise DDC for Aliyun. YAML JSON
2 DockerSwarm Docker for Aliyun. YAML JSON
3 JStorm Create one container service cluster and deploy JStorm with its dependency Zookeeper. YAML JSON
4 Jenkins Create a container service clusters to deploy Jenkins master and slaves with different languages. YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 MemcacheInstance Creates one classic memcache instance. YAML JSON
2 MongoDBInstance Creates one classic MongoDB instance. YAML JSON
3 RDSInstance Creates one classic RDS instance. YAML JSON
4 RedisInstance Creates one Redis instance. YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ECSGroupAttachMultipleSLB Creates an ECS Instance Group attach SLB. YAML JSON
2 ECSGroupClassic One security group holds a set of ECS instances with the same configuration, using classic network. YAML JSON
3 ECSGroupClone According the existing ECS instance, clone a set of ECS instanes with the same configuration(InstanceType, ImageId, InternetChargeType, InternetMaxBandwidthIn, InternetMaxBandwidthOut, system disk, data disk configurations, VPC properties). The user only needs to specify SourceInstanceId. YAML JSON
4 ECSGroupVPC One VPC and security group hold a set of ECS instances with the same configuration. YAML JSON
5 ECSImageDiskSnapshot Specify the image Id and snapshot to create ECS instance. YAML JSON
6 ECSMountMultipleUninitializedDataDisks Creates an ECS and mount multiple uninitialized data disks. YAML JSON
7 ECSVPCInstance Creates VPC ECS instance. YAML JSON
8 ECSWith2DataDisk Creates an ecs, mounts two data disks created by snapshots. YAML JSON
9 ECSWithJavaWebEnviroment This template installs jdk and tomcat on a new ECS instance. YAML JSON
10 ECSWithNodejsEnviroment This template show how to deploy a Node.js environment and do a test based on a new ECS instance. WARNING, this template only supports CentOS. YAML JSON
11 ECSWithRubyEnviroment Creates a Ruby on Rails stack using a single ECS instance with a local MySQL database for storage. This example creates a simple hello world application from the template. *** WARNING *** This template only supports CentOS-7. When 'rvm install 2.3.1' may take long time. YAML JSON
12 ECSWithSSHKey Creates an ECS and configure SSH key. YAML JSON
13 ESS1SLB2RDS2ECS Creates 1 SLB, 2 ECS instances, 1 ESS and 1 RDS. Attach the instances and ESS to the SLB. YAML JSON
14 EntireECSClone Clones ECS Instance And DataBase Disk. YAML JSON
15 HadoopDistributedEnv3ECS Deploy a Hadoop environment on 3 ECS instances. One ECS instance plays role of master node, and the other 2 instances play role of worker node. *** WARNING *** Only test in CentOS-7. Maybe stopping firewall is needed. The deploying time mainly depends on the speed of downloading jdk and hadoop packages. YAML JSON
16 HadoopDistributedecsgroup Deploy a Hadoop environment. One ECS instance plays role of master, and a instance group plays role of worker. *** WARNING *** Only test in CentOS-7. Maybe stopping firewall is needed. The deploying time mainly depends on the speed of downloading jdk and hadoop packages. YAML JSON
17 HadoopPseudoDistributedEnv Deploy a Hadoop pseudo distributed environment on 1 ECS instance. The ECS instance plays the roles of master and slave. *** WARNING *** Only test in CentOS-7. Maybe stopping firewall is needed. The deploying time mainly depends on the speed of downloading JDK and hadoop packages. YAML JSON
18 JDKDNSSSHWithoutPassword3ECS This template shows how to install and config a java jdk, domain name resolution and ssh login without password environment on 3 ECS instances. This template can be used as a start of other complex templates(like as hadoop and spark). YAML JSON
19 LNMPBasic Deploy LNMP(Linux+Nginx+MySQL+PHP) stack on 1 ECS instance. *** WARNING *** Only support CentOS-7. YAML JSON
20 RDSWithECSInIpList RDS instance + ECS instance + access for Intranet. YAML JSON
21 SLBWith2ECS Firstly create one SLB, then create 2 ECS instances, finally attach the 2 instances to the SLB. YAML JSON
22 ScalingSimpleHAInfrastructure According the existing ECS instance, clone a set of ECS instanes with the same configuration(InstanceType, ImageId, InternetChargeType, InternetMaxBandwidthIn, InternetMaxBandwidthOut, system disk, data disk configurations, VPC properties). The user needs to specify SourceInstanceId. YAML JSON
23 SimpleEcsInstance One simple ECS instance with a security group and a vSwitch in a VPC. The user only needs to specify the image ID. YAML JSON
24 SimpleHighAvailableInfrastructure User can create high available infrastructure. Some ECS and one RDS will be created. ECS will be attached to one SLB. RDS is across multiple available zone. All the resources are under VPC environment. The customer could access this infrastructure through SLB. YAML JSON
25 SparkHadoopDistributedEnv3ECS This template shows how to deploy a Hadoop-Spark environment on 3 ECS instances. One ECS instance plays role of master node, and the other 2 instances play role of worker node. Step 1 configs the ssh login without password. Step 2 installs and configs Java env. Step 3 installs and configs hadoop env. Step 4 installs and configs Spark env. *** WARNING *** Only support CentOS-7. Maybe stopping firewall is needed. The deploying time mainly depends on the speed of downloading 4 packages. YAML JSON
26 SparkHadoopEcsgroup This template shows how to deploy a Hadoop-Spark environment. One ECS instance plays role of master, and one instance group plays role of worker. Step 1 configs the ssh login without password. Step 2 installs and configs Java env. Step 3 installs and configs hadoop env. Step 4 installs and configs Spark env. *** WARNING *** Only test in CentOS-7. Maybe stopping firewall is needed. The deploying time mainly depends on the speed of downloading 4 packages. YAML JSON
27 TensorFlowDeployment Creates ECS instance and installs TensorFlow. YAML JSON
28 WordPressCluster Creates a wordpress cluster. YAML JSON
29 WordPressClusterPhpMyAdmin Deploys the WordPress site and the phpMyAdmin app. YAML JSON
30 WordPressInstance Creates a wordpress instance. YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 MicroVPCArchitecture Micro business VPC network architecture. Create a VPC network and a subnet. ECS in sub-network access to international network through the public IP. YAML JSON
2 MiddleVPCArchitecture Medium business VPC network architecture. Three subnets are created under VPC. ECS and SLB in Front subnet handle public network request. ECS, SLB, RDS, Redis, OSS and so on in Backend subnet provide core business logic. The network accesses the public network through NatGateway's SNAT. YAML JSON
3 SLBClone Clones one SLB, and attaches ECS instances to the new LSB. The user only needs to specify the source SLB ID. YAML JSON
4 SmallVPCArchitecture Small business VPC network architecture. Two subnets are created in the VPC. ECS access international network through NatGateway DNAT and SNAT. YAML JSON
5 VPC Creates One VPC instance. YAML JSON
6 VPCNatGateway Creates VPC environment and configures NatGateway to ensure ECS access internet and provider service for public. YAML JSON
7 VPCSnatGateway Creates VPC environment and configures SnatGateway to ensure ECS access internet and provider service for public. YAML JSON
8 VPCVSwitchRouteSGECS Creates one VPC, VSwitch, security group, ECS instance, and route. The user needs to specify the image ID. YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 RAMCreateSubAccount Creates a sub account, enable the console login, and create access key. YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 AliyunROSStackGroupAdministrationRole Configure the AliyunROSStackGroupAdministrationRole to enable use of Alibaba Cloud ROS StackGroup. YAML JSON
2 AliyunROSStackGroupExecutionRole Configure the AliyunROSStackGroupExecutionRole to enable use of your account as a target account in Alibaba Cloud ROS StackGroup. YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 SimpleOSSBucket Creates a simple oss bucket. YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 SimpleWindowsInstanceWithSharepoint Creates a Windows ECS instance with SharePoint2010 installed. YAML JSON



No. Name Description Links
1 Configuration Create ACM Namespace、Configuration YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 AlertContactGroup Create Arms AlertContact、AlertContactGroup YAML JSON
2 RetcodeApp Create Arms RetcodeApp YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 TrailLogging Create ACTIONTRAIL Trail、TrailLogging YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Api Create ApiGateway Api、Group、App、Deployment、Authorization、Signature、SignatureBinding、TrafficControl、TrafficControlBinding、 YAML JSON
2 Instance Create ApiGateway Instance YAML JSON
3 StageConfig Create ApiGateway StageConfig YAML JSON
4 VpcAccessConfig Create ApiGateway VpcAccessConfig YAML JSON
5 CustomDomain Create ApiGateway CustomDomain YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 WaitOrder Create BSS WaitOrder YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Certificate Create CAS Certificate YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Domain Create CDN Domain、DomainConfig YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Cen Create Cen YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Contact Create CMS Contact、ContactGroup、DynamicTagGroup YAML JSON
2 MonitoringAgentProcess Create CMS MonitoringAgentProcess YAML JSON
3 MonitorGroup Create CMS MonitorGroup、MonitorGroupInstances YAML JSON
4 EventRule Create CMS EventRule YAML JSON
5 EventRuleTargets Create CMS EventRuleTargets YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Repository Create CR Repository YAML JSON
2 InstanceEndpointAclPolicy Create create CR InstanceEndpointAclPolicy YAML JSON
3 Namespace Create CR NameSpace YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 KubernetesCluster Create Create KubernetesCluster YAML JSON
2 AnyCluster Create AnyCluster YAML JSON
3 ManagedEdgeKubernetesCluster Create ManagedEdgeKubernetesCluster YAML JSON
4 ManagedKubernetesCluster Create Create ManagedKubernetesCluster YAML JSON
5 ServerlessKubernetesCluster Create ServerlessKubernetesCluster YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Domain Create DNS Domain、DomainGroup YAML JSON
2 DomainRecord Create DNS DomainRecord YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 DrdsInstance Create DrdsInstance YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 DTS Create DTS MigrationJob、SynchronizationJob YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Topic Create DataHub Project、Topic YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ContainerGroup Create ECI ContainerGroup YAML JSON
2 ImageCache Create ECI ImageCache YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 SNatEntry Create ECS SecurityGroupIngress YAML JSON
2 AutoSnapshotPolicy Create ECS AutoSnapshotPolicy YAML JSON
3 SecurityGroupEgress Create ECS SecurityGroupEgress YAML JSON
4 NetworkInterfaceAttachment Create ECS NetworkInterface、NetworkInterfaceAttachment YAML JSON
5 InstanceClone Create ECS Instance Clone YAML JSON
6 SecurityGroupIngress Create ECS SecurityGroupIngress YAML JSON
7 DedicatedHost Create ECS DedicatedHost YAML JSON
8 DeploymentSet Create ECS DeploymentSet YAML JSON
9 Instance Create Vpc ECS instance、EIP、NatGateway、SSHKeyPair YAML JSON
10 LaunchTemplate Create ECS LaunchTemplate、AutoProvisioningGroup YAML JSON
11 HpcCluster Create ECS HpcCluster YAML JSON
12 JoinSecurityGroup Create ECS JoinSecurityGroup YAML JSON
13 NatGateway Create ECS NatGateway、BandwidthPackage YAML JSON
14 AssignPrivateIpAddresses Create ECS AssignPrivateIpAddresses YAML JSON
15 PrepayInstance Create ECS PrepayInstance YAML JSON
16 RunCommand Create ECS RunCommand YAML JSON
17 Route Create ECS Route、AssignIpv6Addresses YAML JSON
18 ForwardEntry Create ECS ForwardEntry YAML JSON
19 SecurityGroupClone Create ECS SecurityGroupClone YAML JSON
20 Disk Create ECS Disk YAML JSON
21 InstanceGroup Create ECS InstanceGroup、InstanceGroupClone、Command、Invocation YAML JSON
22 CustomImage Create ECS CustomImage、CopyImage YAML JSON
23 DiskAttachment Create ECS DiskAttachment、Snapshot YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ClusterMember Create EDAS ClusterMember YAML JSON
2 Cluster Create EDAS Cluster、App、DeployGroup YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Cluster Create EHPC Cluster YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Cluster Create EMR Cluster YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ScalingGroup Create ESS ScalingGroup、ScalingRule、AlarmTask、AlarmTaskEnable、LifecycleHook、ScheduledTask YAML JSON
2 ScalingGroupEnable Create ESS ScalingConfiguration、ScalingGroupEnable YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Instance Create ElasticSearch Instance YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 FunctionInvoker Create FC FunctionInvoker、Trigger、Version、Alias、ProvisionConfig YAML JSON
2 CustomDomain Create FC CustomDomain YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Flow Create FNF Flow、Schedule YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Cluster Create GWS Cluster、Instance YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Rule Create IOT Rule YAML JSON
2 DeviceGroup Create IOT DeviceGroup YAML JSON
3 Device Create IOT Product、Device YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Key Create KMS Key、Alias YAML JSON
2 Secret Create KMS Secret YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Instance Create create Kafka Instance、Topic YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Subscription Create MNS Queue、Topic、Subscription YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Cluster Create MSE Cluster YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Order Create MarketPlace Order YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Instance Create Memcache Instance、WhiteList YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ServerlessInstance Create MONGODB ServerlessInstance YAML JSON
2 ShardingInstance Create MongoDb ShardingInstance YAML JSON
3 MongoDBInstance Create MONGODB Instance YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 NAS Create NAS AccessGroupName、AccessRule、FileSystem、MountTarget YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Parameter Create OOS Parameter YAML JSON
2 OOS Create OOS Template、Execution YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Bucket Create OSS Bucket YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 OTS Create OTS Table、Instance、VpcBinder YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links


No. Name Description Links
1 PVTZ Create PVTZ Zone、ZoneRecord、ZoneVpcBinder YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ManagedPolicy Create RAM ManagedPolicy YAML JSON
2 Role Create RAM Role YAML JSON
3 AccessKey Create RAM User、AccessKey YAML JSON
4 AttachPolicyToRole Create RAM Role、AttachPolicyToRole YAML JSON
5 User Create RAM User、Group、AttachPolicyToUser、UserToGroupAddition YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 PrepayDBInstance Create RDS PrepayDBInstance YAML JSON
2 DBInstance Create RDS DBInstance、Account、AccountPrivilege YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ROCKETMQ Create ROCKETMQ Instance、Group、Topic YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Stack Create ROS Stack YAML JSON
2 WaitCondition Create ROS WaitCondition YAML JSON
3 CustomResource Create ROS CustomResource YAML JSON
4 AutoEnableService Create ROS AutoEnableService YAML JSON
5 WaitConditionHandle Create ROS WaitConditionHandle YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Instance Create Create Redis Instance、Whitelist and Account YAML JSON
2 PrepayInstance Create Create Redis PrepayInstance YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 ResourceGroup Create ResourceManager ResourceGroup YAML JSON
2 Handshake Create ResourceManager Handshake YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 SAE Create SAE Application、Namespace、SlbBinding, and deploy Application YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links


No. Name Description Links
1 Listener Create SLB LoadBalancer、Listener、LoadBalancerClone、Certificate、DomainExtension、VServerGroup、Rule YAML JSON
2 BackendServerAttachment Create SLB BackendServerAttachment、MasterSlaveServerGroup YAML JSON
3 AccessControl Create SLB AccessControl YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 SLS Create SLS Project、Logstore、Alert、Index、SavedSearch、LogtailConfig、MachineGroup、ApplyConfigToMachineGroup、ApiGatewayLogConfig YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 UIS Create UIS UisNode、UisConnection YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 SnatEntry Create Vpc SnatEntry、CommonBandwidthPackage、Ipv6Gateway、ECS AssignIpv6Addresses YAML JSON
2 RouterInterfaceUpdate Create Vpc RouterInterface YAML JSON
3 RouteTable Create Vpc RouteTable YAML JSON
4 Eip Create Vpc EIP YAML JSON
5 EIPAssociation Create Vpc EIPAssociation YAML JSON
6 RouterInterface Create Vpc RouterInterface YAML JSON
7 NatGateway Create VPC NatGateway YAML JSON


No. Name Description Links
1 Domain Create Waf Domain YAML JSON
2 DomainConfig Create Waf DomainConfig、AclRule、WafSwitch YAML JSON
3 Instance Warning: Waf Instance only support prepay type YAML JSON