
Application version update dialog.

Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Version Build Status Issue Star

Application version update dialog. With it, you can customize the logic of version update.

You can refer to the following project:


Getting Started

You should ensure that you add the flutter_update_dialog as a dependency in your flutter project.

// pub 集成
  flutter_update_dialog: ^2.0.0

//github  集成
      url: git://github.com/xuexiangjys/flutter_update_dialog.git
      ref: master


Default Style

  void defaultStyle() {
    if (dialog != null && dialog.isShowing()) {
    dialog = UpdateDialog.showUpdate(context,
        title: "是否升级到4.1.4版本?",
        updateContent: "新版本大小:2.0M\n1.xxxxxxx\n2.xxxxxxx\n3.xxxxxxx",
        onUpdate: onUpdate);

Custom Style

  void customStyle() {
    if (dialog != null && dialog.isShowing()) {
    dialog = UpdateDialog.showUpdate(context,
        width: 250,
        title: "是否升级到4.1.4版本?",
        updateContent: "新版本大小:2.0M\n1.xxxxxxx\n2.xxxxxxx\n3.xxxxxxx",
        titleTextSize: 14,
        contentTextSize: 12,
        buttonTextSize: 12,
        topImage: Image.asset('assets/bg_update_top.png'),
        extraHeight: 5,
        radius: 8,
        themeColor: Color(0xFFFFAC5D),
        progressBackgroundColor: Color(0x5AFFAC5D),
        isForce: true,
        updateButtonTxt: '升级',
        ignoreButtonTxt: '忽略此版本',
        enableIgnore: true, onIgnore: () {
        onUpdate: onUpdate);

Property value

Name Type Default Description
width double 0.618 * screenWidth dialog width
title String / dialog title
updateContent String / Update the modified content
onUpdate VoidCallback / Click on the update button event
titleTextSize double 16.0 The size of the title text
contentTextSize double 14.0 The size of the update content text
buttonTextSize double 14.0 The size of the button text
themeColor Color Colors.red Theme color
progressBackgroundColor Color 0xFFFFCDD2 The background color of the progress bar
topImage Image / Picture at the top
extraHeight double 5.0 Extra height from top image
radius double 4.0 Angle of corner
enableIgnore bool false Whether to enable the ignore version button
updateButtonText String '更新' Update button text
ignoreButtonText String '忽略此版本' Ignore button text
isForce bool false Whether to force update
onIgnore VoidCallback / Click on the ignore button event